
When I wake up in the morning

I’m not sure if this would stand up...

My retort:

fixed the headline for you.

The word "possibly" is doing a lot of work in that subheadline

Still no Dolph Lundgren....

That’s true. A good solution would be a hollow robotic prosthetic that gives the limb space to re-grow and the owner uses it in the meantime. Or we just accept that robot arms are cool and stick with using them!

There has been a way to do this for a while now:

I’ll admit that Discovery is heading in a better direction now but I’m actually enjoying it less and struggle to see it maturing into something excellent.

But there does seem to be a conflict between imagination and staying within the bounds of canon in the new Trek... and it isn’t working.

at the urging of acquaintances who insisted his interviews were good and thought provoking

I think Trek can split the difference (and I hope BNW does this), in that you can have single, stand-alone episodes, a la tOS and tNG, BUT, keep a dang story bible, so that they don’t contradict themselves down the line with contradictory continuity.

DS9 when they went serialized, was a HUGE breath of fresh air in a

As much as I probably dislike Joe Rogan based on the summary here, individual artists making demands on what kind of content should be available on a platform like Spotify is a direction we should avoid.

DS9 was amazing, but I think that was definitely the result of writers wanting to do something like that for so long and being unable to. But when you’re just doing it all the time, it loses the urgency it had when it was a freedom to be relished.

DS9 came along at the perfect time, when the people running Trek were still trying to honor Roddenberry’s vision/rules, but also stretching their legs a bit. Maybe every show should just write down like 10 Rodenberry edicts about Trek, and stick to seven of them.

Agreed on the devotion to canon. The most fun Trek gets is when it screws with or winks at its past. Was there a better moment in all of Star Trek than Trials and Tribble-ations, when they ask Worf what the deal is with the Kirk-era Klingons, and he just grows “We do NOT discuss it with outsiders...”

Gene Roddenberry had a VERY strict outlook on how the show needed to be ran for it to make sense, and after he died, the producers decided to do a lot of things he was very against — like the Dominion War being a multi-season continuing saga, or making Starfleet the bad guys, etc. The writers wanted to break out of

Trek needs another Wrath of Kahn.

Joe dropped out of college and has had a successful career in entertainment. He lacks the depth of education to truly challenge most of the technical or science-based discussions on his show. Unfortunately I think people weigh his opinions far more heavily than they should.

Back in the day when it was mostly about UFO’s, Biogfoot, taking drugs and doing jiujitsu it was highly entertaining. Before Rogan considered himself some debate moderator where a fringe lunatic could rant on and “the other side” existed as an invisible straw man.