
It’s a straw man, and it’s always been a straw man. What woman would want a doctor giving her an abortion against their will? No court is going to order such thing anyway because it would likely violate the RFRA, and this bill doesn’t touch that.

To be clear, Collins is concerned that doctors who have particular religious beliefs will be forced to perform abortions against their personal convictions

I get that national news is covering this, but all three of my local news stations are covering it like it was a girl from Indianapolis.

This is what I’m struggling with. How many women go missing in this country all the time because of the men in their lives, but why are we watching the murder of a young, petite, blonde woman?

How about for every Gabby Petito story Jezebel publishes, you publish two stories about BIPOC women who are missing and/or murdered?

only a scant 20 to 30 percent believed that the landmark abortion rights decision should be overturned

The problem has never been public opinion in general. The problem, at least in my state, is that the people who want to see Roe overturned vote in every fucking election, and the Texas legislature is dominated by lawmakers who only need their votes.

Call me crazy, but wouldn’t anyone who had any dealings with Epstein, regardless of context or anything, get very uncomfortable now when asked about them? Maybe I’m naïve but it seems like this doesn’t exactly indict Gates of anything other than feeling queasy about even knowing the guy.

The thing is... if Jeffrey Epstein hadn’t been convicted then died in prison under mysterious circumstances, no one would be giving a shit about these meetings.

I am no educational expert, so I have no idea how such a paradigm shift could be implemented or how it would be received.

The only solution I can think of is education and a greater focus on media literacy.

Another commented on your reply that we’re not angry enough, and I can’t agree more.

I think we have found that screaming and yelling at someone isn’t going to get them to change their mind, however, being silent about it is just as damaging. Those screaming feel validated, and since nobody else is speaking up, others must agree. There is a middle ground in there somewhere, but in the end, I don’t

Probably an unpopular opinion but I’d counter that some of us are not angry enough.

You’re forgetting social media’s role in all this. Youtube, Instagram and Facebook have had a huge impact on the spread of antivax/right wing conspiracy garbage, and Donald Trump himself made the problem way worse, and Biden inherited a highly divided politicized mess he created.

Not meaning to leave anyone out, but Mr. Cara, or other Gizmodo staff that read this, could a staff person follow Brick Hardmeat and OtherTimes so that they come out of the greys here?

Yet complaining about Republicans isn’t going to fix the pandemic, though, no matter how cathartic it might be.

There are a lot of areas (primarily in communications and messaging) where the Biden administration and other Democrats have not handled this pandemic well, and deserve to be criticized.

American news sources, even the best, are shit stirrer and always have been.

Covid-19 may not be as bad a disease as the worst flu pandemic ever recorded in human history.