
COVID is, once again, going to be the third leading cause of death in the US after heart disease and cancer. Typically the third leading cause of death is either accidents, pneumonia and influenza, or strokes, all with about 150,000 - 175,000 deaths per year so it is possible that COVID would have been in the running

Uhhhh you know modern filibuster are always assumed to go on potentially forever. There is no after a filibuster in the senate. It's either get rid of it or they need 60 votes. 

We cried when Trump was elected and were told he “couldn’t do that much damage.”

Yeah that was a red flag for me too. It’s a total cop-out and much as I hate to complain about America’s Benevolent Dad his need to play it safe and appeal to all sides all the time is really eroding his charm.

If you’re going to do apocalypse by climate, at least have the balls to have it be something else than a solar flare we can’t control.

Though I also look at the argument from the other side too. If the anti-abortion position is that abortion is murder full-stop, then why does the rape or incest caveat even matter?

Can we also get rid of the judgemental and shaming “even in cases of rape or incest” caveats?

Democrats suck when it comes to messaging.  They need to get with the fucking program and quit letting the GQP control the narrative.

White Christian Supremacy never cared about the children. Only about making life hell on earth for women they deem whorish.

The gauntlet has been thrown down. I predict this will go all the way to the Supreme Court, where the spineless conservative justices will have to actually rule on it instead of handwaving away that it’s too novel an approach. This law is bad in so many ways, and I am glad he is taking a stand. Also that at least one

On a related note, it’s worth remembering that covid infections in pregnant women increase maternal mortality, miscarriage, and sundry other complications for mother and child.

Yet I suspect that many of the so called “pro-life” advocates championing the Texas law are among the ranks of the unvaccinated and oppose

I can make the M5 run in 12 parsecs!

Petrol is only sold by the demijohn in my local shire.

Without snow to cool it down, it’s probably gonna erupt.


Nonsense, its where the aliens have been hiding. Kaiju are from the deep ocean silly

The season of reality focused on the pandemic is getting drawn out, it would be refreshing to see the writers try something new 

Ah, the Kangaroo Wars have finally begun. It was just a matter of time until they figured out guns.

Reuniting of the continents - the return of Pangea. You heard it here first!