
We’re going to be dealing with these insane and partisan idiots for the next 4-5 decades.

Hurricorn fuel? 

Argh.... how is it 7 Deer already? I could have sworn it was 2 Jaguar just yesterday.

And then there’s the related issue of differentiating tsunami driven overwash deposits from storm driven overwash in the sediment record. Tropical cyclones aren’t much of an issue for Chile, but it’s different elsewhere in the Pacific. I think conventional wisdom is that tsunamis are rare relative to cyclones, so

the W boson is about 80 times the mass of a proton

Really interesting paper. And nice figures too. I always appreciate it when authors put the effort into quality images to communicate their work.

I wonder though if we can better identify that paleotsunami deposit elsewhere in the Pacific? The authors mention a few contenders, but the age uncertainties look pretty big

Agreed. I was hoping there were expanded justfications in the supplemental, but no.

If I recall correctly, they discovered the first naturally occurring Starbucks on that journey and immediately flew back to east with Charles Lindbergh using only a thimble of corn oil for fuel. All to bring Jefferson America’s first hot chai latte. Heroism at its finest.

Granted, using cosmogenic nuclides to date glacial erratics is not my jam, but I found this paper very hard to get through. The amount of ages and uncertainties presented was kind of overwhelming. I agree with the individual George cited in this article, the standard deviations are large and for some reason they plot

Needs more legs.

The Ferengi ear bones strike me as being prone to fracture... especially during intense oo-mox. I think we need to see Ferengi with ear casts to properly canonize this. And then maybe Quark can give him a thumbs up. Also, the shape of the skull looks weak in general. Clearly the Ferengi should never have been

100% agree.

I don’t really disagree with you other than to say that the steady stream of images and voices coming from Ukraine is distinctly different from what we have experienced elsewhere. Unlike the Gulf/Iraq wars, it’s not just a polished CNN narrative that is shaping our perception, it is the chaos of clips and scenes that

I don’t understand the point being made here. Unless I’m missing something, this comes off as a self-own by Jez. Friedman’s piece may not be the most insightful op-ed about the war in Ukraine, but (unlike the critique published here) it is cogent and fairly well argued.

If you have a critique of Friedman’s piece,

My pleasure. I remember having the same thought as you did when I first heard about Iron fertilization (which is not something I support, zombie-fied Ishmael notwithstanding).

The difference is how it’s added, it’s ability to be utilized, and it’s residency time in the photic zones. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but the phytoplankton that consume iron and utilize atmospheric carbon during photosynthesis only exist in the upper depths of the ocean (where they can get light). When a

Yeah... and all those plankton blooms will encourage an explosion in the krill population which in turn will stimulate a population surge among baleen whales.

Next thing you know we’re reanimating the corpses of dead Nantucket whalers just to get the humpback whale community back in check.

No sir-ee. I’m not going down

There’s a lot of wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tubemen in this trailer. Makes me wonder if they’re in on it?

Like maybe they’re trying to scare the ranchers off the land in order to secure exclusive access to a recently discovered gold vein or something. And they would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t

This is stellar news. 

Prodigy is very good. If not for the commercials for Paw Patrol during the ad breaks, I would never remember that it was affiliated with Nickelodeon. And it’s dark. I don’t mean that it’s “dark for kids” (like... it is), but that the experiences of the characters and the realities of the universe they inhabit are