
“Rich Paul and the Money Bunch”. Ah yes... I remember the rest of that crew. There was Affluent Andy, Chuck Bux, 401 Kyle Free$tyle, and the beat master himself, Max X-empt.

I appreciate the reply. It reminded me to come back to this post and check the link, which does now direct to the article in Antiquity. This is a cool paper, and who doesn’t like reading about mysterious old bones?

Looking over the article briefly, they state that there is no evidence of cut marks or other processes to

Well... If you’re in, I’m in.

If the Warp core must eject

I like to think the explanation lies somewhere between Weekend at Bernie’s and Dem Bones. 

The vertebrate-on-posts could have been “used to transport the remains of the dead to the tombs”

A movie brave enough to ask the question “What if He-Man took place in suburban Californian fast-food parking lot and stereo store?”

Awesomeness Kevin. That’s what if.

could easily be adapted for tests in people’s homes

There are a few. I’ve been using this one:

Seven of nine seems like a more appropriate ratio. :) 

There is much about Roddenberry’s vision I support. I loved the lack of interpersonal conflict in Trek. His edicts made Trek stronger, brighter, and more relatable. But he was an imperfect human (as we all are), and some of his ideas need to be tested for the universe to grow and remain relevant. Good science fiction

What I’m about to say is heresy among Star Trek fans, but I think they need to scale back the devotion to canon a bit. It’s restrictive, they’ve let it become even more so, and we all get really frustrated when they screw it up (Ahem... Disco Klingons). I don’t mean that they need to reimagine Trek or redesign species

Gordon regrows a leg in a similar fashion on The Orville after Isaac amputated it during a misguided attempt at humor. He hobbles around with one baby leg for the back half of that episode.

*limp off

If possible in humans I wonder how this would work for more typical age related/genetic disorders like macular degenerative disease or hair loss? If someone is born with a club foot, has it address in childhood, loses the foot as an adult, and regrows it using this method, does it reform with the original impairment?

Which mode of climate variability are you? Take the quiz today.

“Aw man... I got the North Atlantic Oscillation. I wanted El Nino!”

I don’t know how you managed. I’ve tried to listen to a few of his episodes over the years, initially at the urging of acquaintences who insisted his interviews were good and thought provoking, and later as an attempt to understand for myself what the appeal was. But I can’t get through any of them. The bits I’ve

Intersting. And it’s good to know there are too many of us putting too much thought into making the Mirror Universe make sense.

I mean... What is the anthropocene and when did it begin? Is it the period of time when humans became the dominant influence on the environment? If so, did that begin with the atomic age? Industrialization? Plastics? Or the domestication of plants and animals millennia ago? The point is that yeah... I agree, we’ve

I don’t believe I said anything about conflicting time periods in my remark. Numerous Viking and Viking-age finds have been recovered from European peatlands. The Kvalsund ship was likely a bog offering, for example. Finds at Roskilde had been deliberately placed in peat. The Gokstad ship, among others, was recovered