
I mean... It’s only fitting that anthropogenic induced warming will negatively affect us anthros and all of our anthro-related -ologies. The problem is that it isn’t just us and our precious bog persons who will feel the burn. Wetlands provide numerous ecogical services beyond storing Viking treasures for safe

Exactly. I always figured that the Mirror universe is quasi-ephemeral and exists only as a reflection of those intersecting it. It doesn’t quite have it’s own internal continuity absent external engagement. Obviously there’s some underlying architecture that avoids hard resets and maintains some element of a history

Or they replace it with an All Lives History Month? I’m sort of surprised that hasn’t happened already. Maybe they’re just waiting for the right dog whistle.

If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, then severing access to hell must require acts of deliberate malice. From what I understand of Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, that’s sort of his jam. Maybe his plan is finally working?

Oh... I did not forget Madge Sinclair. But she was the unnamed captain of the Saratoga shown only briefly at the start of Star Trek IV. She later appeared as Geordi’s mother, Captain LaForge, in an episode of TNG. While she was great in both, I don’t think either qualifies as captain of one of the franchise’s main

Michael Burnham took over as Captain this season, becoming the first Black woman to lead one of the franchise’s main ships.

Kyle went in for a Roman Soldier but ended up with a Danish Roof Gutter instead. Oh Kyle... Won’t he ever learn!"

Agreed. Are they saying that Wakefield’s 1998 Lancet article had the positive effect of bringing vaccine paranoia to the forefront so it could debated and debunked maturely?

What, if anything, does crypto mining actually produce?”

Danish Roof Gutter” definitely seems like the sort of phrase that should have an entry on Urban Dictionary.

“A tardigrade, also called a water bear or a moss piglet” or a micro armadillo, or octo-nanopods, an everlasting ecdysozoa, the mini Michelin-man, the Stay-Puft Marshmallow bug, teeny weeny cuddly stubby buddies...

There are many, so I’m just going to add Archer. I love the Saul Bass style, and that intro always makes me smile.

Not to rank Star Trek intros (they’re all great in their own way), but personally I prefer Voyager’s to DS9. And yeah... The Lower Decks intro is certainly near the top. 

I think we all agree that when the GOP gets control of the senate again, they will abolish the filibuster to ramrod through a slew of anti-democratic legislation designed to suppress the will of the majority even further.

While I agree this feels dystopian and not the sign of a healthy species trending toward peace and harmony, I suspect the specific issues lie overseas. Commercial planes have been shot down before, most recently over Iran and Somalia in 2020, but the list is far longer.

I was just thinking that the one thing missing from 2022 was an army of big secret spiders. 

I think David Price represents NC-04 and Kathy Manning represents NC-06. If Price is retiring and Aiken is gunning for his seat, then he's running in the fourth district. 

The issue I have with the example is that the use of the term “girl”, since I’m pretty sure this supernova was non-binary.

Hedgehogs... the perfect scrapegoat.

It’s better than methane. Methane is a considerably more potent green house gas than carbon dioxide since it traps more radiation.

From the EPA: