
It seems like an unjustified and particularly poor decision, but in many states 911 calls are public record and contain no expectation of privacy. If you call to report a crime at an address, than that becomes public information. Of course that doesn’t mean the police have to (or should) tweet the address. 

Just to clarify, landfills are anaerobic environments. Methane is a product of organic anaerobic decomposition. Composting is an aerobic process*, which releases carbon dioxide as organic waste breaks down.

Slowly but surely Gary Larson’s prophecies are coming to pass. 

Is that why it took the Israelites 40 years to cross the dessert? They were lugging around a giant toilet seat? I don’t remember that part in Exodus.

It certainly sounds that way based on the quote, but I assumed be meant “survived intact” referring to preservation state. People sometimes use “survive” to refer to the preservation conditions of inorganic material, as in “this can of Schlitz survived at the bottom of the ocean for decades”. But you tend not to use

Moreover, parasitological evidence enabled us to determine the purpose of the cubical perforated stone artifacts (stone toilet seats rather than cultic objects as currently debated).

?? How did this comment get posted to this article?!

(edited due to lack of relevance)

This is excessively complicated.

I’m all for future tech/sci-fi innovation but like... what about when the power goes out? Or you need to adjust the temp but can’t find your phone or don’t want to go get it with wet hands? Many adjust water temp based on feel rather than knowing an optimal temperature range. So

It sounds like people who wear Apple Watches get themselves into some precarious situations.

Agreed. I really liked this piece and always enjoy being exposed to original short films. Given how much bandwidth is allocated to franchises like Star Wars or the MCU, I’m always pleased to see an interesting and thought provoking little film like this pop up.

Agreed. It’s all performative. Like the previous president, she is not smart. She is however savvy and a perfect fit for the imbecilic moment we find ourselves in. She screams nonsense to crowds that have been primed by years of right wing media to absorb nonsense.

I also considered misspelling “Idiot”, because that seemed on-brand for her. But it made the message a bit too inscrutable and I realized that by imagining her typos I was giving her way too much space inside my head.

But again, the problem with nihilism is that it encourages apathy. When nihilism and apathy become the popular response, we resign ourselves to fate* and allow the bad actors to continue while we all shrug with a “whatchagunnado?” attitude. And personally... I get it. It’s hard to look back on the last few years (2020

Yeah... I saw all the post credit scenes during my initial viewing, hence my comment about the elites escaping to an alien world and about ‘bronteroc’ being a setup and pay-off that doesn’t involve the comet. Besides, I don’t understand how those clips invalidate my interpretation of the film’s ending. The elites

Fair points. And you are correct, the scene where they discuss how the Russian mission fails does provide more international context than I recalled (I just checked). But I still feel like the film leans too heavy into America being the only agent capable of saving (or destroying) us all. We don’t need to sit here and

if we couldn’t do the small things a decade ago how the f’ing f are we going to do these huge things now?

Because both the comet and climate change are global problems. The film implied that it was incumbent on the US, and only the US, to solve the crisis. There is some line in the background about failed Russian and Chinese attempts, but that’s not even the focus of that scene. By ignoring the larger world, the film

Agreed. The people in Idiocracy are able to acknowledge the reality of their situation, the limitations of their actions, and seek guidance from those more knowledgeable when needed (even if it takes a little bit... or not... it’s been a while since I’ve watched that movie). What we’ve learned over the past few years

I completely agree that the intent of the wealthy is to create their own utopias free from the damages caused by climate change. But that is probably not sustainable in the long term and certainly doesn’t need to be included in the message of the film. The film should have focussed more on how there is no escape,