
I agree, though I would say that many do still talk about climate change, but with an increasing sense of futility.

We learn and advocate and engage. Meanwhile the other side sticks fingers in their ears, yells “what about global cooling”, blames windmills, or obstructs progress out of concern for the coal lobby and

My friends really liked it but it took me a few tries to get through (I only even bothered due to the prodding within my circle). As others have stated, I don’t really know who the film was for. Either you see it as a clear allegory to the times we’re living in and the existential threats we face but refuse to address,

Besides the human and canine remains at the site, the researchers found shells and urchins. They found a structure with a wall that had collapsed inward

Which contributes to the already existing need for periodic station keeping, a need that would persist regardless of power source.

It still needs a reaction mass (i.e., fuel) for station keeping once it arrives at L2. As for generating operational power... Solar panels are probably a better choice than an RTG power supply since it’s going to get sunlight anyway.

Ammonia shouldn’t be on Venus,” Seager added. “It has hydrogen attached to it, and there’s very little hydrogen around”

Thanks for the response. And yeah... I was sort of thinking that Covid has us unfortunately given us more bodies to examine, as well as a pressing need to understand. Conditions that annual influenza infections (for example) don’t quite create. But hopefully we’ll be able to better contextualize these results and

“Our data prove that SARS-CoV-2 causes systemic infection and can persist in the body for months

It's certainly a bit more subtle than his original name for the character, Priapismus. 

These are all quite competent and well made but I agree... I didn’t get anything out of them. There are characters, yes. And things happen, but what’s the take away here? The 1st and 3rd film just seem to say that the dark is scary because monsters exist and can sneak up on you. Well made, sure. Acting is good.

Everyone is of course entitled to their opinion, but Old was a horrible film. Absolutely atrocious. As others have pointed out, the dialogue was clunky as hell, unnatural, repetitive, and illogical. The strange dialogue initially made me think that something happened during editing, and shots were stitched together

And “Tumnus” sounds a lot like “Tumescence”, which is sort of the state one would expect a satyr to be in. I don’t know if that’s intentional or not, but add it to the list of reasons why The Chronicles of Narnia is a strange series.

From the article:

Easy. There are a few ways:

Going by the comments here, the idea causes resentment among the college-educated as well.

It doesn’t have to be elitist and SHOULD be paired with a swath of economic reforms that would help almost everyone. Thing like (at a minimum) free community college, continuation of child tax credits, universal pre-K... All

Yeah. The selfishness and resentment from people on this issue genuinely frightens me. There’s a shortsighted meanness to these position that also implies a resistance to fixing flawed system solely out of spite.

“I paid off my debt, so what do I get out the deal?!”
You get to live a life already free of student debt

I voted for Biden because he wasn’t Trump. Yes. Many voted for the same reason. But that doesn’t mean my expectations or wants from him as a leader end there. We will never see improvements in our society if all we ever do is settle for the status quo after taking steps backward.

Saying that the Warren and Sanders


While I agree that canceling all student debt with the stroke of a pen is an unworkable solution to a very real multivariate problem, I have to massively disagree with you about means testing. Means testing is an antiquated notion that often increases the costs of programs while offering insufficient and inefficient


I added a liquid volume conversion chart, a bottle opener, and the equation for how to find the area of a trapezoid. That should make it more useful.