
Ah... I see now what you were saying. Point taken. It’s unfortunate they only found a carapace and not a complete fossilized organism. That way we could have perhaps seen what it was it had been gobbling up.

Right? Just look at how pristine the Gulf Coast is. I’ll take Cape Cod over Galveston any day of the week.

And lets not forget that just two month ago a certain Texas senator was advocating for shipping migrants that cross the southern border to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket as a way to punish liberal communities*.


Mind.... blown.

Jake? No. Doesn’t sound right. I’m pretty sure it was Howard or something like that. Right? And the blue lady was like... Diane? And there’s like that scene early on where the main character is running through the forest and Diane is chasing him yelling like, “Hey! Howie! Come back! You forgot your bus pass!” But he

Yes. But does IT know that? 

If the past two years have taught us anything, it’s that we have to be prepared for anything.

Can't argue with that. That's just science. 

Pretty sure millipedes can’t walk and chew bubble gum at the same time. Which I why I always carry their favorite gum with me when I find myself in millipede country. Just throw a little bit their way, and problem solved.

I mean, as long as it’s running away, it can be whatever size it wants.

Well, and I mean this will all respect, perhaps you missed this tidbit in the article:

Okay... after some careful analysis, I don’t think it’s actually all that bad. 8' is only ~two thirds the length of a Mini Cooper. And Mini Coopers are small cars.

Now then, when it gets to be 2/3rd the length of a mid-size sedan like a Honda Civic, then we have a problem.

Was it fast? Or do you think we can outrun it? That sort of informs how I’m going to feel about this.

The five steppe mammoths consisted of two adults, two juveniles, and one infant, and all date to between 210,000 and 220,000 years ago

This seems to make a convincing argument about pre-Norse occupation. But I do have a few questions though.

Looking at figure 2, we see an increase in % organic sediment content between 1500 and 1000 yBP, which they interpret as evidence for increased erosion due to land clearance and grazing rather than internal basin

I mean... From the article here, this policy only effects new structures over seven stories tall, and there’s a host of exemptions within that. It’s not like come February the Mayor is going to run around with a curb key turning off gas to people’s homes.

I don’t know about that. I mean, the goal is net-zero carbon emissions. So yes, all points on the grid need to be transitioned in order to have the most impact. If, ten years from now, we still generate electricity by burning polar bears, then we’re doing a lot wrong.

You can always flee to Cancun?

Seriously though, upgrading the nation’s electric grid is a significant part of Biden’s recently passed infrastructure bill. Saying “we can’t fix X because Y is also broken” is how we never improve anything (not that I’m accusing you of this). Nothing happens in a vacuum and transitioning

Reminded me of Calhoun’s Black Moon. Though I guess the key difference here is “without any apparent health implications". 

Exactly. I can easily imagine the GOP primary battle causing Kemp (or, less likely, Purdue) to lose to Abrams. While, at the same time, a broad coalition of voters unfortunately send Walker to the senate and Warnock packing. Nothing’s impossible.

Eh... remember how everyone was looking forward to Trump’s poor debate performances in 2016?

The people who will vote for Oz do not care about debates.