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Several different science YouTube channels have discussed this topic over the years. Isaac Arthur has a good exploration of the feasibility of shields, but Jade over at Up and Atom has one of the more focused analyses.

I 100% agree. This is a hard story to tell right now. As a society we’re struggling (among other things) with both an ongoing pandemic and how to discuss issues surrounding our evolving cultural perceptions of sex and gender. In each regard, this show seemed to jump in with both feet. While they get credit for that,

Exactly. The options look thin for next year, but we might have a chance to pick up senate seats in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Hopefully we can keep the seats we have and that whoever wins those seat will want to get things done rather than obstruct. If that’s the case, then Manchin becomes irrelevant and Sinema can

It’s not worth the effort to try to replace Manchin with a more progressive candidate. It won’t happen. At best, it’s a wasted effort. At worst, it completely backfires and ends up giving Mitch one more member for his caucus. But yeah... Arizona can do better than Sinema. She should be primaried. Absolutely.

I hear what you’re saying, but Biden should not punish the people of Arizona or West Virginia. He’ll lose West Virginia anyway, but any retribution against Manchin will be used back against Biden ten fold. Besides... Manchin could just switch sides and give Mitch back the Gavel if he feels like the Democrats are his

So, is the water vapor sublimating back into snow/ice on the other side of the planet in order to maintain equilibrium?

I gather there isn’t much atmosphere on Europa to begin with and the surface pressure is pretty low. But if material is sublimating on one side and contributing to the atmosphere then we have a few

“Pick up the phone... Psych!”

Was this supposed to be a celebration of atrocities, or was it supposed to be an acknowledgement of a dark past? I genuinely don’t know what was in the artist’s mind at the time, but it strikes me as a fair point to consider. Let me ask you this... what if this IS an honest depiction of the town’s history? Isn’t it

Was this supposed to be a celebration of atrocities, or was it supposed to be an acknowledgement of a dark past? I genuinely don’t know what was in the artist’s mind at the time, but it strikes me as a fair point to consider. Let me ask you this... what if this IS an honest depiction of the town’s history? Isn’t it

Timothée Chalamet’s Wonka...

This is a great article Molly. I’ve seen this story in a few places lately though and have been a bit confused by the discussion of R. mangle’s salinity tolerances. Red mangroves have a wide range of salinity tolerances, and are common in fresh/oligohaline habitats. In other words, it is not unusual to find them in

Add it to the charges! 

Did he mix Reese’s Pieces and Skittles?

the boulders do come from flood events, events that might be related to some change of the ancient Martian climate.

the boulders do come from flood events, events that might be related to some change of the ancient Martian climate.

This. This was my first thought as well. I love the original RE games. They were an integral part of my gaming youth and while I’m glad people still find joy in that world, do we really need more stories that feature heroic conspiracy theorists fighting back against evil pharmaceutical companies responsible for

+1 for the kitten heels. 

Let that be our legacy! 

“I am Nestor’s Cup, good to drink from. Whoever drinks this cup empty, straightaway desire for beautiful-crowned Aphrodite will seize him,”

A couple thoughts come to mind after reading this.