
Oh, for sure. We don’t know she’s dead, only that she’s being pursued. But you do raise a good point. For all we know the thing chasing her was about to get her but then something/someone else nabbed her before it was too late. We don’t know. But that sort of ambiguity doesn’t really belong in a short piece like this.

Agreed. I have a good friend who is really into short films but absolutely hates horror. While watching this, I was thinking that I would recommend it to them because while it has horror/suspense elements, it has much more going on that is worth discussing further. There was a lot to like and to contemplate in terms

Interesting. I thought that was done well. And I agree with the filmmaker about the distillation of horror being most effective, but I didn’t quite get the ending here. The atmosphere was good (I always think horror in the sun adds an extra layer of discomfort). The main character was convincing. The premise was both u

Edited: Kinja double posted my original message. Don’t know why. Maybe it was just that good... But I deleted the redundant text to minimize clutter.

While I don’t condone harassment, this doesn’t seem to qualify to me. She’s a public figure taking a very public stance against an issue the majority of Americans, including many in her constituency and her colleagues in the Senate, support. She does this without providing a workable path forward. She should be

You would think they’d realize that it’s a lot easier to hide a microchip in a horse pill than in a vaccine.

And.... Bill Gates did buy a horse farm back in 2019. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. I’m just asking questions.

You would think they’d realize that it’s a lot easier to hide a microchip in a horse pill than in a vaccine.

And.... Bill Gates did buy a horse farm back in 2019. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. I’m just asking questions.

Yeah... I don’t really understand this arms race. What’s next, using a chemical reaction to propel the projectile? We’ve already done this.

Spock’s okay (Vulcan superiority aside), but Ripley was PRETTY xenophobic if you ask me.

Take that! I starred you and you’ll never know.

But yeah, that and being unable to view grey responses once a thread gets more than a few comments deep. Those are the issues I’m aware of.

It seems like every few days now archaeologists are finding something cool. A jaw bone here, some foot prints there, a hand print under that rock, a temple under those trees... It’s really exciting.

I just hope someone is writing all this down. It would be a shame to forget it and have to go dig all this stuff up

We don’t know what this person’s situation was. Maybe he declined treatment due to religious beliefs rather than over financial concerns or anti-vaccine fears. We do not know. I’m just positing one theory that is not unrealistic given the current state of our healthcare system. Yes, some local governments offer

You’re right. I’ve received the rabies vaccine, and it was not administered through the stomach. Yet, when someone mentions it, my first thought (before my own memory asserts itself) is, “that’s in the stomach, right?”

The reasons he may have declined treatment are numerous and speak to the variety of tragic ills afflicting this country.

Could he afford treatment?

The work is still ongoing and it seems like the research team is publishing as they go. That can certainly be a more commendable strategy than hoarding data and results until you can get a Nature or Science paper out of it. But it also raises questions about their conclusions in Antiquity.

I gather they haven’t

so why not just make it a new thing entirely?”

Manchin makes more sense to me. For whatever reason, he happens to be a Democrat. But that’s not why the people have reelected him. They vote for him becuase he’s Joe Manchin and they always vote for Joe Manchin. The other senator from WV is Shelley Moore Capito. She’s not the craziest member of the GOP caucus, but

Over the weekend the AZ democratic party passed a resolution confirming that they will continue to threaten to censure Sinema if she keeps these antics up. What does that mean? It means the state party might not support her reelection bid in 2024.

That lady is so full of BS. We all know Satanists don’t stand six feet apart.

“They’re all keeping very dangerous, potentially destructive secrets, and the longer that happens, the worse it’s going to blow up in their faces. Which, sure, could make great TV.”