
Australia...? Isn’t that where the Hayabusa2 sample return module landed last year? I was afraid of something like this...

I heard the decision was made at the annual Founding Father’s seance held every 4th of July. Tommy and Ben weren’t entirely sold on the idea, but George supported it and they all eventually came around. “No no... No more quartering soldiers in homes. That hasn’t happened in a long time. And nope... No one really sends

Umm.... It’s called plate tectonics. Sheesh...

I definitely agree. I’m glad the insurrection story arc they launched mid-season didn’t really go anywhere, but I was looking forward to some non-Covid plotlines.

Reality got it’s VFX budget boosted at the end of last season, so I’m eager to see what they do with it. And while I’m excited for the eventual Mars

Boo. Sounds made up.

Uluru is a giant kaiju egg and it’s about to hatch.

Same. And when was the last time anyone was ungreyed around here? I honestly wonder if the whole family of sites is planning on phasing out comments so they aren’t bothering to ungrey anyone.

I’m familiar with both adages and I would say that I’ve found the first to be truer than the second in our current era. Similar to you, and contrary to my parents, my views have become increasingly progressive as I’ve aged. I grew up in a moderate/right leaning family of hypocritical but largely anodyne political

I don’t know Rose McGowan and am not qualified to comment on her experiences. But over my own journey in life I have encountered a few individuals who cite personal trauma as the reason they became Republicans. Not conservatives in the classic sense, but acolytes of the modern GOP. The reasons seem to be similar to

Lots to say about this topic in general, but how come there was no love for the distopian view?

Interesting... I seem to recall recently reading a very positive review about Mystery Men. I thought it was here, but maybe not. Though a quick search of Gizmodo shows that in 2016 Gordon Jackson called it “pretty good” and ranked it #15 out of 37 parody super hero movies. Only a few months earlier Charlie Jane Anders

I assumed it was a misquote. The South Carolina Governor must have meant to say, “We will be at the Gates of Hell awaiting entry. If President Biden wants a fight, that’s where he can find us.

Agreed. And not only is it persuasive and informative, but it brought a smile to may face.

I’m pretty sure smearing ketchup in a robot’s camera lens is a show of reverence in some ancient religions. Teens are just being traditionalists.

Population estimates for the Classic Maya vary widely, but at the peak there were likely more than 3 million people occupying the Yucatan Peninsula. Many estimate the population to have been well in excess of ten million (I’ve seen as high as 30 m, but that might be an outlier). For perspective, the current population

As several other of the Greys have observed, deforestation and population growth are likely exacerbating the issue. And as quoted in the article, one should not attribute the occurrence of Drought to climate change, though the severity may be causally linked. Climate change is certainly at play here. Along those

The point is to see how far the state can go to restrict abortions.

Pitting citizens against each other to circumvent the Constitution and earn a quick buck. Apparently that’s the Texas way... and it’s vile.

Astrophysicists Suggest New Place Where Planet Nine Could Be Hiding

I keep a close watch on the hemocoel of mine
I keep my eyespots wide open all the time.
I keep the claws out to bind to what I find,
Because it’s mine.
Tardigrades walk the line.