
I’m pretty sure the cat is in on it. It’s probably behind it actually. You can tell by the shifty eyes.

It’s sunny where I am right now. The light coming through the windows highlights the cat hair on the sofa. I probably should vacuum today. I need to run to Wal-Mart this afternoon and take the recycling to the sorting center. But those locations are in opposite directions and the main road connecting the two is being

Thanks for the assist. I appreciate it. And I’ve often wondered what it takes to get out the greys these days.

I was a starred commenter when I first began frequenting Gizmodo in 2011. But a lot has changed in the 75 years since then. At some point the in the middle of the last decade the quality of the site tanked, so

Stay safe.

I genuinely hope you and the cats* stay dry and ride out this one with ease.

*I’m assuming that’s who the catfood is for. But if not? No judgement. The past 18 months have been weird. So, whatever helps. But stay safe.

As you point out, the Saffir Simpson wind speed categories can be misleading in terms of risk assessment. While wind speed is an important consideration, a fast moving Cat 3 might be less destructive than a weaker storm that lingers. It’s important to remember that Harvey and Sandy had both been downgraded to Tropical

You don't remember that part of the movie? It was pretty great. 

I’m fairly certain that the recent update to the radiocarbon calibration curve (IntCAL20) increases the resolution around the Hallstatt Plateau. The uncertainty is never going to go away, but the recent update should be an improvement. But on the whole I agree, supporting AMS dates with other techniques is always

There’s time for it to get worse. Hurricane season lasts until ~November.

Louisiana got hit by Laura, Delta, and Zeta last year between late August and late October. Sandy hit New York around Halloween. So, we have a ways to go before we’re in the clear.

I think the term fossil has broader use in the sciences these days. Often any preserved thing is referred to as a fossil regardless of how it was preserved. The paleoclimatology page on NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information website defines plant macrofossils as “preserved remains that are large enough

Just to add to that, I’ve found this to be good discussion of radiocarbon calibrations and uncertainties specifically that presents the process without being overwhelming.

I’m glad you posted this. There have been numerous articles published here recently that pertain to dating and dating uncertainties, so it felt like a general overview of some of techniques was warranted.

Going a step further, a discussion on how diet can impact AMS dating might be called for as well since it seems

Ah, the ol’ Potemkin planet.

My hat’s off to you dear Grigory. Impressing queens and confounding robots centuries apart. Would that we all could be so capable of leaving such legacies...

Because Mars is NUTS!

Well, this shouldn’t be too much of a problem at least since there’s no Florida in space.

The baby looked at you?!

McDonald’s causes 5G!

Do these satellites do anything other than take selfies and show ads? I sure hope not.

Thinking out loud...

I get that people LOVE advertisements and are always willing to go out of their way to check them out (“Give me more things to click so I can see MORE ads” the people always say), so this seems like an interesting

*about a hundred yards.

I think they meant “a 90 m opening weekend”. You know... about 100 feet. Which seems like a pretty short weekend to me. Unless they’re walking up a steep hill while carrying something heavy. That could make it feel a bit longer. But I would think that the Rock could handle that. Maybe he’s a slow walker?

I always get my dead lawn rats from pre-approved certified vendors. There’s just too much risk otherwise.

And I get it... we’ve all been there. You’re hanging out in your back yard or the cargo hold of your ship, you find a dead rat and your first thought is, “awesome! Free dead rat! This will look great next to the ga