
@Bavarian_Horseplay: No No.... you've got it all wrong. The video screen on her visor is the DVD player (and she gets props for NOT staring at a DVD while reversing down her driveway). The backup camera is displayed on the rear window at 50% transparency. That way she can look out her window and look at the camera

People hit things. Technology is not infallible nor does it make people infallible.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.4: Insects, spiders, trees, grasses, fine cheeses... A lot of that stuff wouldn't survive marine inundation.

@Fossa: Whole new meaning to System Crash.

@Go Vols!: Again, I'll give you time sensitive (i.e. negotiations with North Korea or such). But any responsible government should know that nothing reliably stays secret for long. And that at every step you'll have an informed public demanding transparency and accountability.

@Go Vols!: At best I'll concede that there is time sensitive information that need not be made public immediately. But that should be the rare exception.

@bigmil87: John Q. Public does not react. It is led. The only things we are "better off not knowing" are things we are told we are "better off not knowing" by a voice with an agenda. And in that case, it doesn't matter if information is leaked by Wikileaks or made public by Janet Napolitano.

@Go Vols!: As citizens we have to demand that.

@Go Vols!: Your argument did have merit to it, right up until that last sentence.

@Gary_7vn: To be fair, Sarah Palin did think he was moose.

But didn't Obama promise us Transparency in government?

@Gravity: The greater danger to our nation would be taking down sites like Wikileaks.

@Zubieta: Depends on who participates I suppose.

As an interesting side note; studies show that carpooling is down 6% this year compared to last year.

So this research is suggesting a connection between premonition and sexual arousal?

My brothers really wanted to deep fry a turkey this year.

Change the color coded alert levels? Why? The system does exactly what it was designed to do; keep us in perpetual fear of our own mortality and justify the existence of the Department of Homeland Security. I mean... it was ALWAYS yellow or orange. Why have a terror alert system that tells you the world is safe?

@maimfromaway: This is something that bears looking into.

Gel inserts? Been flying with those in my shoes for years, most recently last week. Never been an issue.