
@pistolpeteSF: I agree. I wager that the majority of people who claim to have sex while texting/text while sexin' are slightly exaggerating the encounter. It probably is as you say; one individual is texting while the person seated next to them has something else on their mind. I can also imagine someone texting

@donrhummy: Maybe. But can you think of a better way to learn what all the other boxes are saying behind your back?

@AndrewBytes: Sounds like you've done this before....

@Vanilla-Terror: Costs estimated over time... adjusted for inflation... you know... bio-fuel futures and a rising Yen... The airlines would find a way to justify the claim.

@four12: My thoughts exactly

How come I feel that if I tried this here in the States I would be arrested for violating state and federal wiretap laws and be accused of being a terrorist?

@qbrad: Then you guessed wrong. And I believe there's a lawn I asked you to vacate... Or are you gonna go running back to your Mama.com? Godaddy Go.

@Sunset Flip: OOHHH! Aren't you fancy with your "AskJeeves" and your "Yahoo". It's Infoseek and Lycos all the way for me.

@Z-01_Lancelot: Yes... but can you post it in Braille? I tried and failed. But someone must be able to do it.

So I can't get free health care but prisoners are getting pain rays fired at them at no cost to us tax payers?! Is that fair I ask you? Is that really fair?

Interestingly enough, when one hits an insulator on one of Google's poles, it's called "Binging it".

Can anyone say "Jammin' on the One" in Braille?

@funstraw: The Moon is quite far away and the two lasers are close to each other by comparison. So yes, the laser beams are almost perfectly parallel to each other as they head towards the moon. However the observer is standing near one base and far from the other, and beneath both. Her viewing angle is

From an operational standpoint; when you're sitting on the toilet, your pants tend to be down around your knees or ankles. That would make pedaling a trifle difficult.

@ktdidnt: I think the message is "Cook my dinner, clean up this mess, lose a few pounds, and look sexy doing it".

@theSleeper: Earth is neither Roman nor Greek. It's Anglo-Saxon/Germanic and is not the name by which everyone on this planet refers to it. And I would say we certainly have a vested interest in the Earth.

@alexLmx6: That's my point. It will have some catalogue name. But the public will want something more user friendly. And thus school children from all over will suggest "Unity" or something schmaltzy like that.

Nope. Too geeky.

Yeah, but when we find it you just know that there'll be some world wide elementary school competition to find a name for it. And of course it will end up with some awful name like "Hope" or "Pax"... or worse yet, "Heart" which has both that cheesy love/peace connection and is an anagram of Earth.