
Among the issues pointed out in the article and by other commenters, I have two observations I would like to make.

@Arken: By that logic, we should all only do things to help feed starving people.

@StupidSimple: Well, we don't know what he'll do with the money (if he wins it). I doubt he'll put it beneath his mattress. Remember, the X-Prize is intended to work as an incentive and then provide some financial support.

Save on shipping costs?! What about the 1334 Bottles of wine that it's gonna take to fill that thing back up after Jean and Janine Consumér have at it?

@sukha54: In order to prevent this the company recommends that if the user remains idle for more than a few minutes, then they should stare at flying toasters, starfields, or a bouncing beach ball.

@rjw2116: Quite right, but a man's got a right to his privacy.

@Wwhat: Well, if he had actually taken out the loan then the cops would have had to arrest the bank for robbing him.

Been saying it for years:

This isn't really representative of world cultures. It's representative of different classes of broadly divided ethnicities within America (looking for love). I'm sure not all of the people on OKCupid are American, but clearly most are. Do you really think that white women in Ireland and Belarus like the Red Sox?

@Rabid Penguin: Whenever I get a group of cartographers together we ALWAYS have a few shots before licensing Ordnance Survey map data.

@natelock: "People can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. 40% of all people know that."

@Hooray4Zoidberg: Remove the Feeding tube?!?! But- but- that's playing god.

PORN is not okay, but this to me is far more offensive than any Viagra and silicone fueled threesome.

@tastes_like_burning: "Mustachioed Italian mushroom munching plumber seeks perpetually purloined princess for walks on the beach, go-kart races, and other misadventures. Must love dinos."

@raincoaster: Yeah... until he gets his silicone girlfriend pregnant. Then we're all screwed.

The scene looks like the waiting room outside the office of a Miami chiropractor.

Can you just rest the cup flat on its bottom and use it like a normal coffee mug, or would that throw off the trajectory?

@sassafras_: Yes yes yes... and Thomas Hobbes asked Jeeves, who referred him to John Calvin. And the rest of course, is history.

Yah, I'm a bit lost. I've had the same iPod for about 4 years. It plays mp3s when I'm running or strolling to work... should it do other things? I have a smart phone and laptop for, you know, life. Why would I want to buy a new iPod and then find a use for my old one?