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The first guy who claims to find Waldo should get banned.

Is there a petition we can sign to get Nintendo to introduce a Wii with faux-wood paneling? If there is, I'll sign it twice.

Are you telling me I have to wait another 200 years for some of the sweet sweet Moon Helium?

Call me when they patent shoes that fit perfectly on either foot.

What about straight couples that aren't married? I imagine this will work to their benefit as well.

So.... do the wounded power lines eventually heal?

Find a practical use for it:

Is this a political statement about the BP Oil Spill?

@LegacyCrono: An astronaut Triceratops playing backgammon with a robotic cowboy?

Nope. Should be the other way around. Dinosaurs rode robots. That's the big secret Paleontologists don't want you to know.

Hey. It's 3Am and I'm just joining this party. I haven't read the article and should be be asleep. Am I correct in interpreting this as saying that gravity is stronger at active tectonic margins and weaker at passive ones? The idealized surface of the gravity field stretches 80+ meters higher at places with high

"America: Come for the national secrets. Stay for the coffee."

Wait... who supplies the blood?

"Sorry I'm in such a bad mood lately guys. And I'm sorry I won't be able to play Basketball this Saturday. You see... it's that time of the month for me. That time when my girlfriend makes me wear a PMS simulator so I can sympathize and become a more understanding partner."

Is this why you guys keep dropping your iPhone?

@djdare: In defense of the Blank whitish gold label, what's in the brown paper bag is clearly not wine. Perhaps a 40 of the Olde English or Night Train variety.

@IN THE FACE!: As Archimedes said, "Give me a bottle of wine big enough and a place to stand, and I'll drink the world under the table."