
Single Serving

Single Serving is great and all, but if only there was some way to put more wine into the glass after it's been drunk. I tell ya', the guy who solves that riddle should get a goddamned Nobel Proze.

@Skunky: Given the symmetry of the values, I would guess they just split the difference. A best fitting ellipse for the moon may exist with which they define a Zero elevation, but in this case I would wager they just cut the range in half. I could be wrong though.

@PacJack360: Incorrect. It looks like Two Dildos.

Unless your roof is faced directly into the sun, wouldn't all that ribbing and ruffling of the terracotta drastically diminish the effectiveness of the solar panels? Depending on the angle, each ridge would prevent some light from hitting the next panel. And from the close up photo it looks as if there's more shade

@SkipErnst: Luckily our government seems fairly inept at pulling off any major coordinated undertaking. We're not enough of a police state for the internet to get shut down.

@nsrexler: Too many terrorists twittering all at once.

I don't think it's a threat yet (and hopefully never will be in the States) but when I read this the first thing that come to mind was the internet being shut down around elections, with only government sponsored websites allowed to stay up.

@KryptonZero: My vote is that Superman would fly really fast in a circle over the gulf creating a low pressure zone that would suck all the oil and water up into it. As the oil and water mixture spun in the vortex, the two would separate. Then, before you can say "Hey... has anyone ever told you that you look a lot

Really? U-010? They're going with that format for the model numbering? Nothing'll make the ocean a warmer and happier place like the reintroduction of U-Boats.

@trs: It's from the BBC version. "It's Always Foggy in Basingstoke"

As far as getting the beam to terminate (which seems to be a popular topic here), what about if the handset emits two or more beams angled to meet 3 feet or so from the point of emission? They could interfere with each other destructively and cancel each other out past that point.*

"This functionality is added with this release and will impact customers later this season negatively. As a result we will expand our network in lieu of limiting data speeds. We will remove all mention of Data Throttling from a future edition of The Playbook."

I never pass up a window seat on an airplane. I hate flying, for all the hassle, discomfort, expense, and security nightmares, but flying over a desert or ocean or mountain range can make it all worth while. I get that feeling of pride, that "I really get to live here!" sensation when I look out on the Earth.

@phoenix6666: Challenger's Deep (the deepest known part of the trench) is about 11 kilometers. I would wager that you just got your units confused. Happens to the best of us.

How to put to an end to pilot error?

Great... now space is going to become the playground to those preppy, J. Crew wearing, elitist, Newport Yacht club types with their Chads and Tiffanys and convertibles and designer boat shoes, and average Joe's like you and me will have to face exhorbitant mooring fees and ridicule when all we want is a safe anchorage

If God wanted us to read electronic books underwater, he wouldn't have made water so wet.

@thegreatpablo: If you're gun is found at the murder scene, I believe the burden of proof would fall to you to show that your gun had been stolen.