
The soul of my wit is as a pale shade in the brilliance of your manifestation.

See also: Someday, I will learn brevity as you have mastered it here. Today is not that day. ;)

“The specific views expressed by blitzchung were NOT a factor in the decision we made,” wrote Brack. “I want to be clear: our relationships in China had no influence on our decision...”

If anyone else is wondering why there are no stories today, we’re done here, folks:

You know what, ghouls at the Washington Times (owned by the Moonies the last time I checked)? I have a girlfriend who is in the fifth out of seven years of discharging personal bankruptcy (unpaid medical bills from before she was full-time, of course.) Do you know what is included in her fixed expenses budget every

Sppedholes!  Me like!

“commie terrorists”

I posted it too!.. Perhaps if Splinter had fleshed out the story a bit, and included the Schlichter piece for context, we all wouldn’t’ve felt so compelled to duplicate the effort.

It’s worth noting this seems to come from the mind-vomit of Kurt Schlichter published at Townhall. This is another example of him parroting something he saw in far-right media.

What in the ever-loving fuck is this?

The US started to send significant military aid and supplies as early as September 1940 to our allies funneled through the UK. Over a year before Pearl Harbor.

Someone on Twitter noted that the Kurds weren’t in a position to help in World War II because they were promised their own country following World War I, but we reneged on that and split them across three countries, with minority status in all three.

On a related note, the day I heard the RWNJ media absolutely refuse to give any credit to Obama for making the call on the strike that killed Bin Laden, that was the day I realized that the GOP had become a full blown cult whose only goal was party over country.

Donald Trump is frantically trying to authorize a Navy SEAL strike team as we speak.

“America, the birth place of liberty”

It is very odd, isn’t it? I don’t know which is worse: that the Trumpsters keep moving the bar, or that the Democrats keep responding to it. I mean, when the Republicans put out a $50,000 bounty for the person who can “out” the whistleblower. How much more proof of bad faith do people need?

You know, it’s one thing to be the most dangerous, out-of-control man. But to be Florida’s most dangerous, out-of-control man, that’s saying something!

Just a reminder how close this vote was and how something ain’t right in the water down here

You guys aren’t looking at the big picture. It rains diamonds on Neptune. Diamonds. What a score. If only there were a crew crazy enough to pull it off.