
You’re not wrong. What I would append to that thought (just so that no one misunderstood my sentiment) is: much like how you can choose or choose not to be concerned about the use of a word; you can choose who you believe needs to be asked not to use it. Are they a close friend? Or are they some random asshole stranger

There’s a scene in the opening tutorial for Red Dead Redemption 2 Online where another character refers to “your kind”. Now, at best, they mean it as “you are criminals”.

All that requires is sending me your home address!

I do this, too. Photography is what I love in this game. That, and the violence.

tl;dr: murder bad, slow murder good!

Wow. Somebody should ask their lawyer for that money back!

The "control" in this scientific endeavor should have been human urine.

Does anyone ever walk up the vessel and stop somewhere before the top? Or is the whole point to be a slog to the top for a selfie?

Maybe next time we’ll see it coming!

I was sort of hoping they would do a husband-wife non-profit. I know I wouldn't mind working for them, and I can't imagine I am the only one.

Satire will always bend inward on itself when left alone for long enough. That’s how you know that irony is dead!

Says someone who isn't concerned about making ends meet.

You know what my favorite part about the crunch that comes after pushing back the release? That you were already doing crunch! And now you get to continue doing crunch for even longer!


So! Unfortunately I have a bit of a “shit sandwich”:

In a better world, you wouldn’t have to fight to live with dignity. I work for a tech company, and my wheelhouse is making sure our websites are designed with accessibility in mind — and we take it very seriously — and none of our products are as important as a person making food! Your article lists some challenges I

The Ute Martinius person considers the dark matter hypothesis to be “wildly implausible” but they have data to back this up.

Fresh water has been a concern on the island on which I live. Nestle came and offered to take some of it off our hands. We said ‘no thank-you’, so Nestle left a bag of money behind and looked the other way.