
But here’s the thing. If a person finds a word offensive, apologize and stop using it. For 99.99% of the population, savage is a word with no baggage. We need to stop saying “you can’t say X because I can imagine a specific scenario in which a person might find X offensive under certain circumstances.”
We don’t need to

Years ago I had a friend say that “savage’ was offensive to her and her fellow indigenous people for many of the reasons Paul outlined above. So I stopped using it (not that it was really a regular part of my vocabulary anyway).

I mean, sure, he shot the sheriffs. But at least he didn’t shoot the deputies.

Your ideas intrigue me, and I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter.

tl;dr: murder bad, slow murder good!

I will watch anything involving the messy-haired Tim Rogers, which is why I’m going to ask who is this lady with the grandmotherly haircut pretending to be Tim Rogers?

Diet dew was one of my favorite sodas until I developed a caffeine sensitivity in the last decade. Small amounts of caffeine will send me over the edge.

That one still haunts me. She meets her estranged dad and they just go at it. *shudder*

I found Control lackluster, but even I will admit it is a tremendously beautiful game. I would kill for a similarly-looking game that actually managed to please me from a gameplay standpoint.

Fuck CDPR.

Being “rewarded” with a chance to win gifts from a raffle system where tickets are “paid” via mandatory extra hours is the premise of a Black Mirror episode that has yet to be written.