
Dayum! That belongs in your "tight five".

NRA: putting your money to acts of terrorism, foreign and domestic.

Well, one of them died by pulling a vending machine (that he was trying to break into) on top of himself. I consider that a form of suicide. Negligence resulting in death of self, anyway.

I never thought of myself as anything at all, until kids at school saw this bullshit show and called me a nerd, in the derogatory sense. That was the beginning of seven years of being bullied.

I have predicted that mass shootings in the United States will continue until at least 2031, but will end before 2310. That’s using a Bayesian theorem and the mass shootings statistics from Mother Jones.

Only game I have ever played where I had to press every controller button at once: “AC: Phantasma

I’m at the point where I am happy to start taking “eat the rich” literally. Anyone else?

As your financial adviser, I suggest that you skip the middleman and only buy shares in armsdealers that build gold guns that shoot viagra at people.

How could you not trust a Trump economic advisor with just a B.A. in History from the University of Rochester?

This just in: ABC News says “water is wet”.

People with mental health issues and guns are indeed inextricably linked: one in three people who are shot and killed by police had mental illness.

You... don't know a lot of Palestinians, do you?

Yang had it. And then, as it started to slip through his fingers, he made it weird.

Haha why are you calling everyone a “genius” today? You remind me of the week I got stuck replying with “finger guns” when someone would ask me to do something at work.

Black Twitter has got a weird ecosystem. And I am reminded of this whenever a new meme shows up that makes fun of black trans people.

(the conversation with cepalg)

I love this whole exchange.

Esther, please thank Ginny for us. Her compassion is inspiring.