Came here for the Potato Cake love and was not disappointed!
Came here for the Potato Cake love and was not disappointed!
Willing to bicycle to work but lacks the proper infrastructure to make it happen safely.
I have a 1994 4Runner SR5 5-speed. This NPOND is a big big ask. While mine does not have the tent, swing out rear tire carrier, or the solar panels it does have a couple of items and modifications to surpass this build. A 5 speed standard transmission. The stock 3.0 motor and an automatic saddled with the…
My family had driven Toyotas almost exclusively for quite awhile growing up more than a few were bought used. Well Dad decided to branch out our automotive experience with a brand new 1989 Chrysler New Yorker. It was a nightmare of engine issues and electrical gremlins. My recollection is that it spent more time in…
An alternator on my 1994 4Runner. It has a 1999 3.4 motor swapped into it. I pulled the battery and have it on the maintainer I just haven’t found time to figure out which of my spare alternators will work.
I voted NP but it feels weird to do it. Mainly due to the fact that it is S/C and if the rest of the car falls apart you can swap that motor into something cooler.
I have gotten better at this but there is still room for improvement. Just “let things roll” and let them “think they win.” A good mantra. I have started to think to myself it isn’t worth the paperwork and certainly not worth the heartache if you get into one of these bad road rage situations.
Nice update! Quality writing and a good resurrection to an old nice frame! Those old Hugi hubs were/are really nice!
That’s a cool old bike! Glad you rescued it. Give an update on the build progress!
They just left that!?! I had to buy my leaf mulcher similar to the one you pictured. That a not cheap piece of equipment! Hopefully yours is self propelled, I failed on that choice, always do self propel!
1. Acura TSX Wagon.
Ruined 1995 4Runner 3,0 V6 I was bringing back to life. Engine work, transmission work, new parts, personal time and labor. Everything was going ok it was coming together. Was doing a long test drive stop and go traffic long drives just putting it through its paces. In doing this long test I was helping a friend drop…
My year as well. Some good muscle car choices. I’d also take a Chevy/GMC truck SUV from that time period.
Usually I’m all in for the craziness. This time just rent a trailer when you get there. Try to get it running enough to drive itself (WILD SUCCESS) on the trailer and head back, with it on the trailer. My 2 cents but this “Jeep” needs too much work.
I can see how that is partly true about the over integration of the head units. My wife’s Acura has almost everything displayed on it. I did however replace my Tundra’s continually rebooting headunit with a Kenwood model which plugged into and used the OEM backup system flawlessly. YMMV on different manufacturers and…
I hook up to trailers quite a bit so back up camera.
Oklahoma here, doing ok. We have been lucky enough to escape the rolling black outs (so far). All vehicles save for my 1982 Toyota 4x4 garage queen have been started and are currently on trickle chargers. House is staying warm and pipes are keeping water where it is supposed to be flowing. Round 2 or is it 3 is up…
I have seen how these cars are driven. Solid No Dice!
Driving back from Colorado to Oklahoma I drove into fog so bad I couldn’t see past the edge of the hood on my 1992 Honda Accord LX. People were flying by and I couldn’t see anywhere to exit safely. I had to just keep going along praying no one came up behind me too fast or something appeared out of the fog and I had…