
<three-quarter profile> Well, I don’t exactly hate—

So true. I used to have a G/O tab permanently open, but recently I forgot to check Jalopnik and Gizmodo (the only two G/O sites I still look at) for three weeks and I didn’t even notice. There’s simply little reason to visit anymore. They sold off the good sites, turned off comments on others, and routinely screw

Fifth Element references ALWAYS deserve a star.

Let Corben Dallas demonstrate the correct attitude when dealing with la migra:

Has anyone ever actually used those luggage racks? I don’t think I can recall ever in my life seeing something tied down onto the rear deck of a Corvette.

I can only assume the people that love these things DON’T live where summers are brutal. Where we tint our windows as dark as possible, keep sun shades within easy reach, and search for shade like a crack head looking for their next fix. It’s a hard pass for me. 🤣

And “goofus maloofus”...good one.

Your mom’s a badass

My mom just turned 73 and she drives a Honda Fit Sport, five-speed manual. Orange Revolution Metallic. Of course, she’s a sample of one.

Dylan Arnold was charged and most likely got off with nothing more than probation.  After a quick google search, I wasn’t able to find any subsequent articles beyond when the charges were filed in 2021 but it looks like the civil suit is ongoing.  Arnold’s parents are wealthy ranchers so hopefully the victims can get

To be fair, he did a complete suspension update. His is probably fine.

This article was Potato Cake erasure! It’s one thing for Arby’s to kill it off, but it should stay #1 in our hearts forever.

RIP potato cakes.

Potato Cakes.

Jay Leno collects Duesenbergs. Many collect Italian exotics, corvettes, hot rods, british sportscars...

Also this 

Why won’t these stupid humans stop trying to get themselves killed so I can please just get back to watching Sanctuary Moon???

Never forget that the whole SovCit ecosystem is at it’s heart a grift.

Like everything else, launching boats takes practice. I think the biggest thing that causes these accidents is nerves causing people to forget the basics. I have a pretty solid checklist that I run through each time and it keeps me out of trouble. I also refuse to rush, no matter how busy the launch is. Rushing leads