Hello my name is Mike

Yes, except at the show I went to, no one was called out for anything. She basically laughed along with the audience the entire time.

People are calling me a “troll” and saying that the punchline is that at the end of the joke, she makes some statement about how rape jokes are bad, or something like that. The problem is, everyone in the auditorium was laughing so hard I don’t think anyone heard her say anything about “rape.” I certainly didn’t hear

My point is that making a rape joke and getting 1,000 people laughing, and then claiming, “well, I was REALLY being ironic and making an-anti rape statement,” it ultimately doesn’t wash. The fact is, you have now empowered 1,000 people to make rape jokes. No one in the audience heard what she said at the end because

Yeah, I just found that out when another poster pointed it out. Still, it was a rape joke.

Bad about what? Calling Amy Schumer out for getting cheap laughs out of a rape joke and then feebly claiming that she “was just being ironic”?

I don’t buy it. The audience was laughing so loudly and for so long that I really doubt anyone heard what she may have said at the end. I certainly don’t remember her saying anything about this being an “ironic anti rape joke.” I just remember the joke and uproarious laughter.

Maybe, but if you tell it in most parts of the country, including Texas, most people won’t get the irony but will get the joke. Saying, “well, I was being ironic,” isn’t much of an excuse if 99% of your audience is now empowered to make more rape jokes.

I didn’t hear her mention that part. I only remember the entire auditorium of 1,000 people was roaring with laughter.

She used to to get laughs, so it was a joke. No, it wasn’t a “knock knock,” but it was a joke.

But despite Schumer’s casual stage presence — swilling straight from a bottle of wine — and the general vibe that things could descend into a hen’s night at any given minute, each joke or comment is meticulously structured to push the laughs in the right direction. It’s the kind of smart, ballsy comedy that makes it


Okay, she make that joke in the context of asking audience members if they knew what a “Dirty Sanchez,” a “Dirty Rochester,” or a “Cleveland Steamer,” was.

No, it’s a rape joke. Rape is never funny.

Sorry, there are plenty of poor white people in jail too. This is more of a class issue than a race issue. Wealthy black people from Atlanta generally do not spend a day in jail, ever. Wealthy Venezuelans from Miami don’t either. Same with Japanese BU students in Boston. Poor whites, blacks, Asians and Latinos go to

The punchline is that every person in the auditorium laughed for five minutes. It wasn’t lost on me, however, that it was a rape joke.

Okay, so give them a chance and have them clean up a park or something. And if they fuck up again, send them to jail.

Amy Schumer made the joke as she was talking about different sex acts- Dirty Rochester, Cleveland Steamer, etc.

I saw Amy Schumer a few years ago when she came to Texas. She made a rape joke that I really didn’t think was funny. Here it is:

The government agrees with me, which is why they lock criminals up.

What would you suggest- sending all of these model citizens to free range petting zoos in Vermont?