Well, then let’s start by giving everyone due process and see if things change.
Well, then let’s start by giving everyone due process and see if things change.
Every country is different. What works in Mexico and Canada wouldn’t necessarily work in the US, Brazil or Russia.
Well, thank god no one is taking your advice on crime and punishment.
Yes, and what’s best for society is to lock criminals up so they cannot victimize more people. Is that too hard to understand?
No. My wife and I watched the first three, and then watched all four seasons of “Wentworth,” about a women’s prison in Australia- much, much better acting than Orange and more brutal.
If someone robs my home while I’m away, I want them in jail. If someone swindles money from my bank account, or steals and uses my credit card number, I want them locked up. Sorry.
That’s correct. The culture was very, very different in 1979 and what she wrote should be seen in that context. I recently re-watched “Guess who’s Coming to Dinner,” and it was shocking how unacceptable even that film would be today.
Actually, Orange is the New Black makes prison look like Sesame Street compared to how prison actually is. The prison in Orange is far more interesting, the inmates nicer, and the guards far friendlier than the reality.
Perhaps crime is down partly BECAUSE so many people are locked up. For someone who lived through the 70's, 80's and early 90's, when violent crime was off the charts, I’d much prefer to have more prisoners and less crime, than fewer prisoners and more crime.