Ajamu Bakara is an anti-Semitic nutbar.
Ajamu Bakara is an anti-Semitic nutbar.
I expect to see Pun Croc, clever name at least, defending Trump any time his Twitter goes off the rails.
Jill Stein is the worst. She’s basically a troll trying to get any and all attention. Lady can’t even get elected mayor.
I didn’t think it was possible for anyone to toss a bigger word salad than Palin. I was wrong.
Her VP candidate is also pro-Assad and called people protesting the Charlie Hebdo murders “white power marchers”. Did I mention he’s associated with holocaust deniers?
Bakara is the fucking worst. I can NOT believe I even briefly thought about voting for these pieces of shit. They can both join Trump in hell, as far as I’m concerned. I look forward to watching Stein get .0001% of the vote.
WTF? Stein sounds like a giant whackadoodle.
They need a savior. Someone to buy them out of bankruptcy.
Sounds like Gawker Media.
Maybe, but if you tell it in most parts of the country, including Texas, most people won’t get the irony but will get the joke. Saying, “well, I was being ironic,” isn’t much of an excuse if 99% of your audience is now empowered to make more rape jokes.
“I was going to report being raped, but my rapist was Muslim migrant and I did not want to be called a racist ... even though Muslims are not a race.”
I was raped like 20 years ago and still I can not make a joke about it, what is she thinking?
In her HBO special, she describes this in the context of a bit about different kinds of sex acts, and the punchline to that joke is “that’s just straight up rape” and that women wouldn’t find that hilarious. So, it’s a rape joke, but it punches up.
I saw Amy Schumer a few years ago when she came to Texas. She made a rape joke that I really didn’t think was funny. Here it is:
I keep hearing about Wentworth, I’ll have to check it out. Yeah, the 4th season is much different. It’s almost like they took criticisms like the ones you mentioned, and made it more realistic.
Though as noted it’s from her 1979 journal, not the memoir that was currently written.