You are a hero, looking for the good in “racists and/or slave owners.”
Truly, it’s brave of you to stand up for them.
You are a hero, looking for the good in “racists and/or slave owners.”
Truly, it’s brave of you to stand up for them.
Wow. Lucifer, The Expanse, and Brooklyn 99 - that is a very surprising run of pick ups on shows this year. All of them deserve it but I didn’t expect all of them to get saved.
That’s the Expanse and Lucifer, now NBC or somebody else save Timeless.
Hey, I was not expecting this a bit. Netflix is a long shot on most days. They’ll be able to cut loose a bit more now, seems like, and after the season three finale? I’m hoping they bring in more of the supernatural—woo. Happy to have it back.
I presume the contract negotiations with Viceland broke down as Mero suggested they suck his dick from the back.
A large part of this show’s charm comes from it’s no-budget, no-pressure set-up, and it would seem like the biggest challenge would come from somehow keeping that attitude/feeling while growing into a larger presentation.
This is one show that makes me want to rehash the moniker once reserved for the Person of Interest comment section:
I bet you know more about the music industry than HAIM does, it clearly never occurred or anyone else to them that everything is contextual! You should call them and explain that to them, I bet they’d appreciate your wisdom.
Did she reunite with her pretty doggy atleast.
You all know that we only care about Bae Doo Na, right? She’s the only good thing in the series.
Melba is straight up the GOB Bluth of the Expanse. Like, your sister’s dead, your father is in jail for crimes against humanity, and you’re gonna be all petty like “Um, beeteedubs, Julie never did anything this awesome for you. WHY DON’T YOU LOVE ME?!”
Sure. Here ya go...
Holden not saying a word and just closing the door on Alex had me rolling.
“and while the discovery that Julie had a sister isn’t a horrible twist”
You are absolutely right- I was so mad when it faded to black, but those extra few seconds after made it okay. I can’t wait for Amos to start breaking things off that cameraman, and I have to think Anna is going to remember how nervous Melba was acting right before the bomb went off.
Yet again, this fucking show.
I’ve never said this about the CW before, but they needed more episodes this season. There were simply too many balls in the air for it to land properly. I’m pretty disappointed in the cure storyline. A tiny piece reverses zombieism in rats, but a whole brain is required for a single human cure? Not impossible, but…
It’s hot, I can’t sleep. Tomorrow should be fun. in the meantime:
... it’s hard to argue with clicking into Wu-Tang right as a geisha stabs a shogun in the neck. If he’d listened to the Clan he’d have known to protect it.
Konichiwa, bitches.