ortalan pot pie

I like it as well. Too bad the article is wrong about the function. Its not meant for the people you have in your circles, its the random people who circle you and then spam like crazy.

Would it be horrible to wish some kind fatal infection would kill him as a result of that tattoo, purely for the sake of irony?

I have the knife racks as well and a four year old who's easily able to reach them using a stool or stepladder. She already knows better than to try and play with them, or any other dangerous things in the kitchen. So far the good behavior is also extending to not going after delicious things too but I don't think

Unless Amazon puts out a major upgrade to its appstore the lack of the Android marketplace is a major drawback. No batching and sluggish controls makes using Amazon as a primary market incredibly slow.

Moto's STB market is firmly entrenched in the commercial sector. Tacking on a few features from Google might make it a better sell but only marginally so, its much different market than the consumer one. If they can cut costs and add features then it would be a win. Delivering a marketable (something consumers would

I love the convenience of one centralized cable source that can share out tuners, even if it is still a bit glitchy. Ceton will be getting competition from SiliconDust soon too on their standalone 3 and 6 tuner boxes.

No. There is no requirement to sue. There is a loss of the ability to collect for past damages if you wait too long to sue and that only applies to the party actually making the product. Apple can pick and choose who they want to sue. They are limited to a certain extent by antitrust law because they are a monster

Subwoofers are designed to have tons of internal bracing to limit vibrations. They also aren't usually placed against crappily made computer desks and cranked well past the point of distortion. Subs are fun. In college I made a tape of very low notes that were practically inaudible but which could hit the resonance

I'm not sure about that. There is an Incoming stream that shows posts made by people who have added you to their circles although you don't have them in your's.

I think the advice is against refrigerating coffee as its typically sold, in one of the paper bags. That would be a horrible idea. Coffee does absorb odors very well. In a sealed, dry container coffee will last longer.

If this is anything at all like running ROMs off SD on the Nook Color then SD card selection will be critical. Many high performance cards actually suck when it comes to the type of small, repetitive random r/w operations needed for an OS. Cheap Sandisk cards, like you can get from Radio Shack end up working the

How about a mobile app too? For a company that's pushed everything else it has to mobile Amazon has really held back on the video front. The "Not optimized for mobile" that it sends when it registers a phone browser usually means frame rates in the seconds per frame. Hopefully they release an app with their tablet

The whole invite rush process where people were posting up emails begging for invites is the kind of thing that men are much more likely to do than women.

If you use Gmail your contacts should be synced to your Gmail account. They don't need to be backed up, they will resnyc automatically.

Trailers for this kind of movie are going to suck. Its an animator's nightmare. They have to get it 95% right in order to have an actual movie to work with and then spend months on getting the details tweaked so it looks perfect. So you have something at this stage that looks 5% wrong but the final product should

Always get a good night's sleep before going mattress shopping. Your body will confuse comfort with sleepiness once you've been laying down for a while and you won't be able to make a good decision.

New accounts seem to get the best results with invites. So if you get a friend or family member invited and can get them to reshare a link to a larger group you stand a better chance of getting more invites sent out than if you do it yourself.

$100 for four apps! Even for Leapfrog that's penny pinching. Other articles were mentioning that apps were supposed to run in the range of about five bucks each with cartridges being around $20-25. A Nook Color would be a much better deal, more apps of better quality, much better hardware.

Hmm, Facebook is blanked out now on Yahoo as an option to import contacts :(