ortalan pot pie

shift from pure sci-fi to fantasy”? Doctor Who has been squarely in the fantasy camp for the vast majority of it airtime.  

I was looking for the Alastair Reynolds comment. The Dreyfus books seem like the best suited for a movie, particularly the latest installment in the series.

Not ST but Naomi Nagata on The Expanse is definitely STEM

Seems more like paid promotion than high level trolling.

Don’t topspin and backspin both effect the rebound angle? English is just sidespin.

Presumably adding spin would make every shot miss then, right?

Only two and half something of something and something out of fifty books. Hopefully, this naming trend is dying.  Looking forward to the Becky Chambers book.

I voted for her, but I hate her. She should have been the Democrat’s sin eater, the person who the right wasted millions on (successfully) demonizing over twenty years. Walking away rather than running for president would have nullified those efforts. Instead hubris led her straight into their telegraphed sucker punch

The new Ulcerate was a favorite of mine this year. Most of the music coverage here just makes me feel old, even back when there was more variety in taste among the writers. What bums me out more is that NPR’s lists, which had been my go to for music outside my usual tastes, have also been declining over the last few

If she was hired then her contract probably has a rather long clause restricting what she is allowed to say about the show pre-air to only what Disney tells her to say.

For all he’s done to screw over miners it’s just par for the course to try his best to shrink the benefits pot too.

Big Trouble in Little China didn’t stick so close to the story. You have a number of sidequests that vary depending on luck and the characters being used and a final showdown that varies to a degree as well.  The long term replayability isn’t great because there are a bunch of scripted interactions were you eventually

Using the phrase smitten by his work ethic” to describe a pool boy says it all.

Netflix is not big on giving out viewer statistics so by doing this they can make an argument that each subscriber should be worth more in any ad and product placement contracts.  The small percentage they lose on fees is probably way less than what they stand to make.

I was so glad that my kid was young enough to miss out on these books (nevermind that they kept popping up in online recommendations due to being the most popular books at a second grade reading level).  The cringe factor alone should keep her away from the new book.

So true. My old cat would take over my bed while I was at college. He left an inch deep depression in the center of the mattress when he wasn’t in the bed.  If he was there it would take lifting the mattress to a 90 degree angle before he decided it was better to hang out under the bed and claw at any body parts that

Only in the UK. US has to wait another month.

There are people old enough to vote on Tiktok?

Avoid anything tech unless its super simple and inexpensive. In general, the more expensive it is the more likely it is you will be left with nothing.

I don’t get the “not an eclipse” thing.  On Jupiter, in that shadow, it’s absolutely a solar eclipse.