ortalan pot pie

“Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey...stuff” is the exact level of science I need from the show,

Thank you. The idea that this show (which I love) has ever qualified as hard SF in any sense is just weird.

Several Alistair Reynolds series would be very filmable. The Dreyfus books would make a good tv show. As would the Revenger books (maybe animated since they are quite out there, despite being more YA).

What do you mean, like, nuance?

Fuck Dr. Phil

Actually, Intel hasn’t been able to deliver anything reliably except very old 14nm process parts. And almost all that is heading to the data center which means its overpriced. And even then, they can’t meet demand. Otherwise AMD would still have zero percent market share overall in the DC because if intel had enough

The Expanse should’ve been a slam-dunk inclusion.  

There’s also “it’s more of an annular eclipse because Io’s shadow is not even close to covering Jupiter’s entire surface”, which is completely wrong. Annular is when the thing between POV and the sun (Io, in this case) doesn’t completely cover the sun. Io is too big for this to happen (viewed from Jupiter’s

Yep, writer seems confused about what a “total solar eclipse” actually means.

Jeez, I wish everyone around here would grow up. It sounds like we’re getting a good package. No need to go nuts.

It’s too bad. Brown seemed to really want to be on the Raiders, but ultimately he just got cold feet.

Never forget that coming-out-of-retirement Chase Blackburn once intercepted Tom Brady in Super Bowl 46 while covering Rob Gronkowski one on one deep downfield. Nobody seems to remember that play, but in retrospect the Giants coming up with a turnover there (it was the only turnover of the entire game) seems just as

What a shocker, the image cuts off before you can see the feet.

Yes, this is explained right there in one of the first screenshots.

Little Shop of Horrors. The Rick Moranis movie is based off a play, which itself is based off the Roger Corman film from 1960 — so it counts! I think it has enough legitimately scary moments to count as horror.

As a private citizen, you can call any brown fizzy drink a Coke and you’re fine. It’s when you are a commercial entity, making commercial speech (which is what movies, TV shows, etc are), you can’t get away with that. You can’t ignore another company’s Trademark and get away with it. What’s more, they have to sue you

Pictured: Nate Solder

Half of the lesbians die. That way the other half live with broken hearts so you can really feel the tragedy.