which one was drawn?
which one was drawn?
I demand all women wear robes at all times, so that they may be disrobed at appropriate occasions. And bathrobes won't do. None of that pedestrian stuff. Papal or nothing.
*hits bees nest*
Last time we “did something”, we pretty much created ISIS... And Al-Queda.....
Control it? If the US can’t, what makes you think they can?
America needs to do something
I sympathize and am alarmed but assertions that “American needs to do something about this” are fallacious. Not our land, our equipment, our citizens, or our weapons. Not our business. We already support Egypt to an extent. That is enough.
We always do something, can't we not this time?
Yep, watch from afar.
I’m sure this is going to go over well. I’m sure that Egypt isn’t going to have to do a knee jerk reaction and make some airstrikes against camps, caches and troop masses.
Like the Simpsons said:
Apparently even GM wants to kill the H3 with fire.
“the fire moved through the firewall”
Weekend at Willie’s
At least we know one of Barry’s bombs doesn’t need an asterisk.
Are those ice cubes or sticks of butter?
I didn’t know ComicCon has gotten so boring that taking picture of men’s crotches is the thing now.
I know it’s my bias as a Mets fan and it has more to do with their terrible mismanagement of that franchise than their real estate acumen, but there has to be developers better than the Wilpons to rely on. They were vacation buddies with Bernie Madoff!
No project is fair if it’s predicated on a giveaway of billions of dollars worth of public land to disgraced associates of Bernie Madoff for use of building a mall, despite the underused mall right on the other side of the highway that you can see from the stadium. Does the area need to be redeveloped? Probably. Is…