The Delta Blues

I’m pretty lucky that I don’t work for a “traditional” agency (even though we are still part of The City) and it’s a very corporate environment full of high-achieving types. But whenever we do any inter-agency projects, it’s a nightmare because no one else pulls their weight and we end up doing the brunt of the work.

Huh, it’s like you know me! I worked on this project in the early days. Then a few key people left for different jobs and it went to shit.

eh, I’m not so quick to attribute this to a simple oversight. the city saved A LOT of money with this mistake.

Agreed. Their lawyers are clearly overworked and underpaid, but they know what happens when this shit goes wrong (this story gets written, among other things). I have a difficult time believing that the people who were forced to do nothing but read for three years at law school managed to screw this up.

I’m with you here. You can’t really blame it on the lawyers- if anyone knows how important all the permitting paperwork is, it’s them since they have to deal with it if it falls apart.

Actually, Flushing’s kind of nice. Have you been to the Xi’an Famous Foods there?

Yet, if you cross the short bridge just the the side of Willets Point, you’re in the lovely neighborhood of Flushing!

Wait, did I say lovely? I meant shitty. Sadly, though that’s an actual place supported by the city (unlike Willets Point), it’s a goddamn dirty shitshow much the same.

These must be the “murderers” and “rapists” Donnie Chump warned us about.

There are still people that haven’t fucked Tiger Woods? Y’all are behind the times.

Sex might be the only thing he does anymore that’s below par.

Easy, just like the writers do. White religious people evil, all others good.

Fun fact: British Columbia was this close to joining the United States back after the Civil War. When the Dominion of Canada was created, it was just everything east of Ontario. West of Ontario was still British North America, an English colony.

If someone dies during a hot dog contest they just toss the corpse in a dumpster and let the neighborhood cats dispose of it.

I think we’re all waiting, crouching like gay lionesses, for the first homophobic gazelle to trot across the sacred grounds.

Bigot tears are low-fat, low-carb, and alcohol free, so you are good. However, call a doctor if you have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours.

At what point should I stop drinking tears if I have to drive later on?

And packers.

This from a man who defended bears in the past.

Clarence Thomas talking about dignity is pretty rich all things considered.