Yes, that’s the dead giveaway.
Yes, that’s the dead giveaway.
There is no “true” anything in politics, that was more my point. Everyone is full of hot air. Everyone has ulterior motives. They’re politicians.
you’ve heard that two wrongs don’t make a right... right? We shouldn’t have to settle for this carpetbagger - we should be able to insist on a true progressive not another Wall Street puppet
Thanks for writing this Erin. Clinton is the worst, but somehow people seem to forget why she’s so horrible. That fucking crime bill, the terrible welfare reform and those God damn fucking trade agreements (nafta) have led us directly to where we are now. The Clintons don’t give a fuck about poor people, so let’s not…
important eta:
Hillary is clearly doing a pivot to the left just for insurance purposes. Unless she gets a serious challenger, you’ll hear nothing more about this once the primary season starts.
This guys answers aren't even vaguely coherent. Was he stoned when you called or is he really like this?
Pro Tip: You are wrong Kyle. Very very wrong.
“Eh..I still would.”
Well, off to prison - so much for the tight end.
Get out of my blog, mom!!!!!!!!!!
Holy Fuck you're right. Maybe he was running towards a loaded cannon. Better put 8 rounds in him just be sure.
Because I know that someone in the comments will talk about how dangerous it is to be a police officer, just wanting to come home alive, etc.
It is more dangerous to be employed as a landscaper in America than it is to be employed as police officer. This is a fact that is true and is verifiable.
it's impossible to understate how poorly this stuff reflects on the US to outsiders. a while ago I had someone from Kenya ask me about all the cop shootings going on back home, saying how horrible it is. you know things are bad when someone from Kenya shows you sympathy for shit happening in your home country.