The Delta Blues

“Got away with it for so long? This isn’t long at all, with the drinks and the long pants and the football and the pudding pops.....”

Fake, Fake, Fake-Fake-Fake.

So then, if it was legal and regulated, your concern would be null and void.

My dealer spliced hemlock into my kush. Now I'm dead.

Just to add my own perspective in as a heavy toker...

Oh please expand on cutting weed down with other drugs. I am dying to hear this.

Welcome to the future 2015, where pets are treated like children and children are treated like pets.

I'm gonna have to listen to the entire album, and I will check out Blu.

I'm so sorry to hear that, you have my deepest sympathies.

Tits and ass.

I live in Boston and I will be going to this place now. That's awesome.

Coach K was always an admirer of Joe Paterno.

Duh. When has American popular opinion ever been wrong about anything?

Yeah, I am hoping all of this can be resolved with minimal bloodshed. But the pessimist in me says it wont be. Let's hope you are right and I am wrong!

Well, I have to acknowledge, the US track record when it comes to social engineering and nation building SUCKS...no doubt about it. But, I also believe that if we sit back and do nothing, we are doing nothing more than encouraging more of the same from Putin and Russia. Again, I think we are headed for a major

And it'll only help to cement his support at home. Do you see him pulling back at all despite the economic harm cheap oil and some of the financial sanctions have caused? If you think you can force Putin to back down through economic pain, you're fooling yourself. That ship sank years ago with the Russian middle class