The Delta Blues

Because the story you’re referring to was an illegal case of blackmail… Because Advance is a privately held company, which means they intentionally keep C suite representation OUT of the public domain… Because that story probably caused his family and loved ones a great deal or harm as well… Because its hypocritical

This is a perfect example of why people in the “unsupervised open space below” are calling foul. We get that he was a co-worker, a friend and probably a pretty nice guy. But nice guys fuck up… They do it all the time. And then we give them a second chance. When they apologize… And also when the people who surround

How did this suddenly become gray? This is so fucking childish. The lot of them should show some class.

So you would rather learn from history, and what… Start WWIII and take Putin out before it gets to that point? Because if it’s happened before, its guaranteed to happen again? Based on something that happened almost 100 years ago? With a different country, culture, economy and for an entirely different set of reasons?

that can’t happen. there are two specific parts of the NATO charter that they would be in violation of and therefore cannot legally join. any nations who is applying must have settled all border disputes and cannot be engaging in any discriminatory practices against any ethnic citizens.

We also need to stay the fuck out of Ukraine. Russia is not going to fuck with US or any of our NATO allies. What it does in Ukraine/Georgia/Chechnya is between those countries, their direct allies and Russia. Sucks, but if we get involved, it would be super hypocritical.

Oh… My bad. I didn’t see the part where he said; “Watch from a far and do nothing.” Because we obviously can’t watch from a far and then deal with direct threats when they arise. Which they haven’t yet, according to our own intelligence reports.

And those are literally the only two choices. Fight them with bombs and boots, or leave them completely alone. There is nothing in between… There can be only one. Its either black… Or white. Choose wisely.

Remember what the main purpose of the 9/11 attacks was? Did you ever read exactly what UBL wanted America to do after he attacked us?

Yeah! America. The world’s helicopter parents.

You’re obviously ill equipped for this discussion. Maybe next time don’t talk out your ass about shit you don’t understand Ellen.

All of those things you listed caused the extinction of a wide range of species. And we are doing the same right now. You justify the fact that we are making vast swathes of land inhospitable, killing off numerous species, making the oceans more acidic, clear cutting forests… You justify all this with the simple

They have about as much credibility as People That Think Thousands of Years of Burning the Shit We Dig Up Out of the Ground, Building Massive Cities, Clear-Cutting Old Growth Forests, Polluting the Air We Breathe and Using Environmentally Detrimental Agricultural Practices Is Having No Effect on the Earth’s Fragile

Baby Steps.

Its the South… So probably butter.

I’m not saying I doubt you, but do you have any source material to back it up?

Fair point… But 2/3 of all city developers are just horrible. Its slim pickens.

Yeah… That’s more or less the response I would expect to get from any of my friends who work for a larger city. NYC/LA/Chicago. More or less the same thing.

The initial plan for this was great. I thought it was more than fair… But alas… City government is what it is.