The Delta Blues

Ha. Someone’s trying to troll me right now… I think suggesting that very thing.

Flushing; Get in, get your food and get out. Best Chinese food in the city, but DAMN.

No. These plans were carefully laid, and well in advance. As much as I have dislike some of Bloomberg’s heavy handed techniques… This wasn’t one of them. This was a pretty thought out plan and they made more than a few revisions to it. They tried to be fair.

Or you’ve read the Great Gatsby.

Count? I think you misspelled “slaughter mercilessly.”

Tiger Woods fucks Tiger Woods.

Fully embrace? What are you talking about?

No, it wasn’t. You are 100% wrong. This country was founded on murder, slavery and forcing your beliefs on others. Just ask the Native Americans, Blacks, Mexicans and Chinese.

dunno. hopefully not when there are several other factors threatening world markets.

But overall… When in doubt… Just poop on it. Right?

If I’ve got the time and privacy, I like to find a rock from which I can conveniently hang my butt off. Or, a strong sapling I can securely grasp with one hand while I lean back.

Yeah, but right now is not the best time to be pushing the whole “You guys need to learn your lesson” agenda. There is much more at stake than just forcing Greece to deal with the mistakes they have made.

Fuck yeah! Look at that gay shit right there!

I’m not sure how many more times America can be completely destroyed forever before it sticks...

I hope everyone has a super gay weekend.

I’m sorry if I offended you. Are you a baby? Does this story strike too close to home? I know dead baby jokes are cutting edge material here, and they might make you uncomfortable… But I thought no one would take offense. My apologies.

There are just too many unanswered questions. I mean, this was the 80s… Before babies had easy access to meth. Everyone who was alive at the time remembers that most infants going to the hospital were really there trolling for scripts. Babies were poppin pills like they were Cheerios. It was an epidemic. Also, it was

Hold on a second. I have a few questions here.

Ha. He fucking wishes he was that good.