The Delta Blues

Was fully prepared to tell to fuck off, but now you seem kind of rational, so here goes. We might now end up as far apart in the end.

What’s ridiculous is that you have no idea what I’m talking about. You aren’t even CLOSE until your final paragraph and that’s just BARELY even in the ballpark. You make some pretty hilarious assumptions about what you THINK I think, all based on what I can only myself assume are some pretty serious anger and reading

All the more reason to dial back our involvement in these areas. We clearly have difficulty anticipating the long term consequence of our actions in places like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, etc…

Wrong. The CIA trained and funded the mujahideen to fight the Soviets. Along with the Saudis and Pakistani intelligence, they spent billions of dollars and almost a decade doing so. They were our proxy in that particular war. Plus, the US is partially responsible for the current chaos we’re seeing in Libya.

Hm… Upon further reflection I deem this response to be too soft. You didn’t say “bomb” or “freedom” once.

Yeah! Lets all pat ourselves on the back for taking care of another huge problem we made for ourselves! Terror, rinse, repeat!

Legal? Since when would we care about that?

His uncanny ability to survive over a terror career spanning more than three decades is said to be due to his ability to melt into the local populace, taking wives throughout the region. He is considered to be one of the most hardened and experienced terrorists in the world, as he learned to fight with the Mujaheddin

Fuck no its not. I have a 2 bedroom with a front and backyard in Queens. You couldn’t pay me to live on the west side. That area is boring as shit.

I know a lot of people who either work for the city government or who are architects. Because of that, I’m always skeptical and won’t believe shit until it actually happens. You would be amazed at the amount of developers that go back on their word or just flat out ignore city directives.

Sounds like science to me. Can’t argue with science.

No. Not even close. You are so far away from grasping the concepts that you’re talking about shouldn’t even bother with a follow up.

Yep. We already got there. And as johnjohn noted, there were supposed to be affordable units in Atlantic Yard… And that never happened. So we’ll see.

Excellent point.

They’ve updated their plans. Last I heard, there was virtually no low income housing and they were going to keep the green space private. The mixed use commercial space is new too I think. Last I heard, that was only office space. Thanks for the heads up.

Another missed opportunity. Could have thrown in some low-income housing and added mixed use commercial/public/green space to offset the fact that this will just be another space for the rich to park their cash.

I dunno… Enough to build 10,000 homes for the less fortunate? Enough to build 1,000 new schools?

Aw. Alissa, this is just adorable. I’ll bet you still believe in Santa too, don’t you?

Huh. Nothing about ISIS, Mexican babies or homosexuals?

*** When not referring to climate change, women’s reproductive rights, income inequality and other such silliness that no one really cares about anyway.