The Delta Blues

So what… We should go to war with Russia to defend them? Are you insane? Do YOU want to go over there and fight for the territorial integrity of Ukraine? Because if you think the U.S. honoring your own personal (and incorrect) interpretation of that specific policy is SO IMPORTANT, no one is stopping you. Have a ball.

Doing nothing is an option for what exactly? Are you talking about in Ukraine, or just generally about our drone strike policies? Because I'm certainly going to have a different opinion about those two.

Oh. I see you've resorted to name calling. That's what I thought… You're done. Thanks for trying though. You almost, ALMOST made a point. Big too bad.

Then that's not our problem. Why do you still seem to think it is?

Okay. Then find me the passage from the Budapest Memorandum which SPECIFICALLY states that it is the United States responsibility to defend the territorial integrity of the Ukrainian borders.

You base this on what… Your opinion?

You mean like this?

That's not a strategic alliance. And that does not even come close to saying we need to protect Ukraine if they are ever invaded. Plus, we've already broken that treaty and so have almost all the other co-signers. Who cares?

I have read about submarines being detected in Sweden's waters, Estonians being kidnapped and taken back to Russia, and Russian bombers being intercepted over the English Channel (among other places, including approaching the US's own pacific coast!)

Once he gets his fill there, possibly even before, he will attack a NATO member, then all bets are off.

… I assume here that you realize that the US would be standing up for the self-determination of a nation to set their own destiny.

1. Putin is a criminal. Dyed in the wool crook. He already made his nut… He could give two fucks about the Russian economy and the plight of the average Russian.

Disagree. Strongly.

But "panic" sounds like more fun. I have a room for it and everything. When else am I going to get to drink all that Tang I bought?

Disagree. Strongly.

He danced.

This was my favorite moment from the Obama/Merkel press conference:

That's boring news from Ukraine.

What? No. The real issue here is that Bono isn't involved. Get Bono onboard and this will be legit.

Hey! Sweet idea for a band name!