
You can enjoy a moment for yourself by not posting it anew on the internet. You post something for public viewing, you’re looking for attention, and you’re going to get people’s opinions. To expect nothing but approval is such preciousness and entitlement. Especially with a track record of annoying attention-seeking

You sound like my toxic older sister, and highlight exactly why I no longer speak to her. No one deserves verbal abuse, even from their siblings who pretend to love them. I wouldn’t speak to a dog that way.

I never said that she was deserving of humiliation. Literally all I said is that saying that she is “never unkind” is just not true.

I personally don’t think it’s cool to constantly tell all your siblings that you made them famous, that their livelihood is dependent on your good will, that their deepest insecurities are true, that they are too fat to be in your wedding, etc. Of course sibling fighting is normal, I think she crosses a line.

IDK she’s the only one of her sister’s who constantly uses low blows regarding stuff she knows they are insecure about. She’s the only one who was calling Rob fat and lazy, for example. I don’t think that’s kind whether or not they are siblings, personally. But I mean yeah, for the most part her mom has a very tight

Oh honey, I wish no one cared.

Yes, Kim is the definition of kind.

At first I thought you meant “blasting” as playing very loudly and I was even more at odds.

She exists for no other reason than to pimp her shitty “brand.” She has no artistic or performing talent, (altho I didn’t see her tape, so she might be good at sucking cock.). For her to leverage the death of a genius like Prince with an disingenuous post of “Gee, I’m so silly, I froze” is typical of her BS.

Or maybe she’s just seizing an opportunity to make it all about her, which given her track record, is totally in keeping with her character.

Maybe she saw an opportunity for even more self-promotion.

This is what has happened in the books as well- but I think there’s a wider purpose. Martin has said that he always intended to reunite characters after drawing them apart to allow them to grow individually.

Except for the whole part where they list super violent games that were banned for being super violent.

I don’t mean just Japan, I mean everywhere, her massive count of movies simply haven’t done well outside of english talking countries. Everyone knows her just for being in the Avengers, and there’s a reason Disney/Marvel doesn’t do a movie about Black Widow. She is no Jennifer Lawrence or Charlize Theron. She’s not

Ming Na Wen has the acting experience and it’s smoking hot would have been awesome since Motoko Kusanagi spends most of the time nude in her suit, of course I doubt it’s going to be like that.

How much Kardashians is too much Kardashians?

This. The daily shower is the only thing that keeps my fine thin oily hair in check.

I shower every day because my hair is oily as hell, looks awful when I wake up, and will start smelling about 36 hours after the last shower. :( In any case, I don’t use soap except on the areas you mentioned. It's really not necessary if you use your hands to lightly rub and scrub while in the shower.

As another member of the commuter transit & cube-farm population, I regret that I only have one star to give.

I ask anyone who reads this to continue and shower every day. Specially if you take public transportation or sit in a cubicle farm.