
I think at this point the real culprit we have is that 5% number.

When 95% of the characters are male and most have unrealistic standards in their appearance, you still wind up with some diversity and then that diversity itself becomes appreciated by some developers. When only 5% of characters are female you get less

You don’t think that’s accurate at all? Have you looked at how much more sexualized the women in Overwatch are compared to the men? Men get to fulfill roles that are solely about their function as a fighter much more often; it’s still a pattern that designers, for whatever reason, are afraid to let their female

If you look at most games that let you customize your character you’ll see plenty of examples of this. In game that have a body type slider, you’ll notice that it’s behavior is vastly different depending on which gender you choose. The male slider can go from skinny stick figure guy to big fat dude. Switch the gender

I’m sure someone has said this by now, but typically the male character in games aren’t designed to be objectified by women, but instead to further serve the fantasy of the men playing as them. I personally would agree with her statement about male versus female physique in video games, though I do agree with you that

You should read this - I stayed away from it my whole childhood because of the 70s movie that was basically bunnies outright murdering eachother in a nightmarish orgy of blood and trippy animation. The book is not this. I finally read it in my 20s and do so every year. There are parts of the book where you will

I think you're right. Usually I’m all for expanding the roles of female characters, but it feels like a mistake here. The whole crux of them going to the other warren was so their society didn’t die out in a generation (well, they get the two ladies from the farm first, I think, but that’s not enough). If you take out

I read that Strawberry was cast to be female, which I’m guessing means they’ll have her male mate be the one caught in a snare and killed at Cowslip’s warren. She could join the regular crew as one doe, but they’d still want more to grow Watership into the warren that Hazel envisions. Hyzenthlay and Thethuthinnang

I totally agree with you. It is the Odyssey and while I read it when I was around ten or twelve and loved it, I wouldn’t really categorize it as a specifically kids book either. I will say, though, that the violence is of the kind that I think having a kid read it will basically be a lesson in “the world is not always

I adore the book as well. I’ll likely not watch a reboot. In fact, I have the original on DVD and haven’t watched it because I love the book so much.

I don’t think it was intended to be a children’s book, but people decided it was because of the rabbits.

Because talking bunnies, I guess.

Why does everyone always assume it's a kids' book?

is it though? I feel like when it first came out it really wasn’t advertised as such but because it was about animals people decided it was for kids.

I logged into my gmail, using my 2-step authenticator on my phone, so I could dig out my kinja key, so that I could comment on this article. That’s how protective I am of Watership Down.

We need as much questioning and attention to this fraudulent, thieving GOP cheater’s behavior as we can *get*.

How long until the pushback is LOUD ENOUGH that, as a country *we refuse to accept this racist, partisan bullshit* anymore?

How many fucking times does a GOPer have to say flat-out that voter ID laws exist solely to restrict people from voting?

You sound like my toxic older sister, and highlight exactly why I no longer speak to her. No one deserves verbal abuse, even from their siblings who pretend to love them. I wouldn’t speak to a dog that way.

I never said that she was deserving of humiliation. Literally all I said is that saying that she is “never unkind” is just not true.