I have to completely disagree.
I have to completely disagree.
It's not a kids book. I read it at ten because my parents had read it, and I was (and am still) a voracious reader. I didn't understand a lot if the more nuanced portions and under lying themes until later in high school. It's still a book I read every year, because I love it.
You want a better grip? Take a couple of pottery courses. Throwing clay to prep it for wheel, and then proceeding to shape clay while in the pottery wheel has given me a pretty strong grip.
She calls her guns ‘toys’. That’s a major warning sign right there that she doesn’t take gun ownership or safety seriously. People who collect them, see them as a toy or a hobby shouldn’t owns weapon that can so easily and indiscriminately harm or kill another living being.
My dislike of her was formed from my friends who knew her before and how she treated other women with talent, such as Tori Amos.
LOL! I went and looked on my purchases - and all I had were monetary amounts with ‘points purchase’ which were either 9.99, 4.99 and one 15.99 in 2011. None if my DLC purchases have any sort of labels except for 2014 and this year...I really can’t recall paying for it, I feel like I got it for free for some reason...…
I don’t recall paying for it when it was offered originally, but it's been a few years!
Except Arrival was free, unlike the other DLC for ME2.
The reason why diabetes is used as a common comparison is that it turns mental illness & the medication you take to stay stable into something less frightening and more normal, which it is. It’s also used to convey how important the medication is to the mentally ill person & relatives, because when you’re mentally…
As a person with mental illness, you have s one in four chance of being killed by the police. By Rosie stating her daughter had a mental illness and was off her meds, that would help her daughter in case she was behaving irrational or odd.
It wasn't Juvie - it was a home for abused and abandoned children. The mother is practicing a form of abuse by alienating the children from their father.
They can't make that decision if they're being manipulated by their mother. That kind of interference is harmful and putting them back into that situation just encourages it to continue- so putting in a neutral situation such as a home (which is where they were put) is the better option.. Just like any person who's…
The kids didn't go to Juvie. Maybe you should actually read more than the Jezebel rant and realize a lot of parents get screwed by the other in a divorce.
I have, and I got lucky with both - they were county sheriffs, and I was in a full on dangerous manic episode the first time, the second time I was suicidal. I have friends who are whose encounters were worse - one got yanked off a bar counter and got a concussion.
Yep, you have a 1 in 4 chance of being killed by the police if you have a mental illness and are in crisis. A lot of families who call 911 for help don’t realize how often the situation becomes lethal for their mentally ill relatives. Police do not have the training to deal with someone in a manic swing, a psychotic…
It’s an adjustment but they adapt. I couldn’t even think of declawing my stubborn arse of boy and they solved the problem! Saved my furniture.
Soft Paws to the rescue! My girl doesn’t need them, she’s all about hre cat scratcher. My twenty year old boy? Has to wear ridiculous color covers on his nails. He’s got neon blue on right now.
Depends on the bank, for the ATMs. Some banks do give you 10’s instead of 20’s. Great Western used to, before it got eaten by Washington Mutual. Some credit unions dispense 10. You can also get 10’s when you ask for cash back at grocery/drug stores.