
So...some rapes are just for funsies?

He. The op was a father. As for this pose? If that dude hated the old one then I think hes going to hate this one too. It went from generic over the shoulder pose to the dreaded “tits and ass in the same shot” pose that comic books get shit about, along with one giant leg show.

what was kris doing before the sex tape thing? who knows how much robert kardashian left them and who knows how well caitlin-as-bruce was back then (cause there’s good money for a savvy old olympic gold medalist in motivational speaking/endorsements/coaching/whatever) but i can’t really imagine they were hurting at

Oh, Scott knows.

There are many stories I hoped would be covered on Jezebel. But yet here is another pointless Kardashian piece.

Agred. I remember when I fell in love with Jezebel. Now I’m in this weird resentful marriage with her.

To continue a conversation begun, last night (anyone?).

girl, wear some fucking flats or one day you will need the cane indefinitely

It’s ridiculous and infuriating. Look, it’s a paleontologist and a “The Flintstones was a documentary” guy arguing over the fossil record and evolution! Fairness! Balance!

The answer to your questions are:

the First Amendment does not apply here. This is a private film festival. The first amendment is designed to prevent the government from punishing or preventing speech and expression. An organizer deciding to pull a film from a festival has zero first amendment implications.

The reason for the form is that employers who don’t provide this coverage are subject to penalties. The form is a way of telling the government not to impose penalties, as due to their religious beliefs they are exempt from the requirement. Beyond that, the employer is not involved.

There’s a lot of hate because we’re tired of religious assholes sticking their noses into the medical choices of other people. They’ll stop getting hate when they start minding their own fucking business.

I love that, for these people, filling out a two page form is an "undue burden" but 48 hour waiting periods and making women drive 400 miles to the nearest Women's Health clinic isn't.

The candy people! What is wrong with them? If you don’t want to spend the price of a couple of bags of candy to give poor kids (and yourself) a fun experience, just turn off the damn porch light.

I just can’t. I was born in San Francisco; my parents live there, today.

Not just gentrification, but the isolationism that comes along with it. You want the panaderías and Día skulls, but not the neighbors who come along with them. smdh.