Oh god, that's my fear right there, giant fucking insects. I'll take snakes, thank you.
Oh god, that's my fear right there, giant fucking insects. I'll take snakes, thank you.
Dogs like cabbage. One of ours stole a cabbage out of the trunk of the car as groceries were being unloaded... instead of steak and beef which was in the bag next to it.
AA was shopped around back in 2008 and none of the big companies it was offered to would touch it with a twelve foot pole with Dov in any position of leadership, given his proclivities.
LOL. H&M isn't a a junior's store, nor is Forever 21. In fact, Forever 21's main audience target is older women seeking cheaper current fashion trends.
I see the Bay City Rollers!
The dog that we commonly associate with pit bull is actually a Staffordshire Terrier. It's part of the Bulldog breed that includes the Bull Terrier, the Jack Russel and a whole bunch of others.
What about Rottweilers, Dobermans, Presa Canarios and all the other dogs that were bred to fight as well? I don't see anyone clamoring for german shepherds to be banned, an they're still used to take people down as police dogs.
I was attacked by a German Shepherd when I was twelve. I don't see all German Shepherds as a dog that should be banned due it's size, strength or use as a guard or police dog.
I found 'The Dressmaker's Handbook of Couture Sewing Techniques" by Lynda Maynard to be really useful.
It's not the bully-breeds. Any dog can become hostile because the owners don't know how to handle or train it.
Yeah, this douchebag is majoring in dick moves. For those of us living in the area that are liberal, we've just been watching this whole mess unfold since he got the former mayor removed last year.
That was part of my issue as well - having bi-polar disorder with a couple of hospitalizations under my belt made adoption a no go. I've been mama to stepkids, nephew and now a niece - with more nephews/nieces to come.
I was working at Pebble Beach Golf Resort at the time as a display person. I was in Morse & Co (where you could buy normal clothing, like Tommy Bahama shirts and the like) doing my rounds, and a couple arrived in the store. I didn't pay attention to who they were, as I was putting finishing touches on the window…
One of the best friendships I have is with a ex-boyfriend. We've seen each at our worse and at our best, and it's been over a decade of friendship since we parted.
If you look at the picture, the hip bones are sticking out, as is the rib cage. Maybe what it's referring to is eating disorders and issues with pregnancy. Eating disorders cause miscarriages, still births and a difficulty in conceiving.
I dislike Seaworld and PETA. Both are known for spreading disinformation and neither of them treat animals with any sort of respect.