Exactly. I've been taking Vicodin for 4 years now, three 60 pill prescriptions a year. I deal with chronic pain in multiple ways - acupuncture, massage, hot/cold packs, stretching. It's not like everyone who takes these is an addict
Exactly. I've been taking Vicodin for 4 years now, three 60 pill prescriptions a year. I deal with chronic pain in multiple ways - acupuncture, massage, hot/cold packs, stretching. It's not like everyone who takes these is an addict
Little kids don't understand dangerous situations like parking lots-fire-pools and the like. You have to drill it into their heads, especially when they're fearless.
That's how I was raised, and how my parents were raised. One swat to get attention if the child put themselves or others in danger. I had my nephew for a couple of years when he was a toddler, and I swatted him once for popping the car door open on the freeway (no childproof locks) and one other time. That's it.
If they want the company to change, they need to get rid of Dov Charney.
He could be donating the meat for all we know.
I agree with the other poster. The squawling noise of pain is better than petting. Especially with a kitten and when it's wound up, they're just going to think it's continued playtime.
Good advice.
I know! Now I have go listen to my Meshell collection.
I don't understand Meme's comparison of cancer and diabetes to obesity. It's as though she thinks you can choose to be cancerous or a diabetic (or on the same vein, you can be Princess Bipolar) and therefor you are UNHEALTHY and wrong.
Yep. You lose 10% of the weight you began WW with, you have free membership. It's a supportive environment from my experience.
I admit Jem had a small waist, but she looked a little more realistic than Barbie did to me when my sisters were playing with them in the 80's.
Our horses mostly pushed the puppies we had away or out of their grain buckets.
..yeah, still not liking AA.
That's how I'd dress mannequins as well. Since they're all small (and got smaller) you couldn't stick the size 4's and 6's on them, you'd put an 8 on and then pin the hell out of it. Course we had to hide where we pinned it, and I wish I had binder clips sometimes in my kit.
They didn't adopt headless simple mannequins for money, but because when things were shifting in display there was a study done that basically said people were better able to imagine themselves wearing the clothes if the mannequins were featureless.
Oh I remember this anger and outrage. Hello old friend.. Let's go yell until we lose our voice again.
Actually I've read articles about other shows and their insane apartments on shows. SATC for one, Friends for another.
I never read it myself, but everyone of my Southern Baptist bible thumping female classmates devoured every novel published... while they gave me shit for reading McCaffrey's Dragonquest and Moorcock's Elric books and a ton of scifi and fantasy that was no where as twisted.
Depends on the mannequin style you buy.. most stores tend to go the smooth ones with no discernible features (they're a solid color, like all white, black or gray) because it's been shown in studies that shoppers are able to see themselves wearing the clothes. Personally, from working in visual merchandising I haven't…