There can be only one.. and I'm hoping this stays true to the Japanese version.
There can be only one.. and I'm hoping this stays true to the Japanese version.
I agree. Best Doctor since Tom Baker.. following Peter Davidson. I adore Matt Smith, and this season was fantastic.
I bought mine because they were recommended for my back & knee problems by my podiatrist. I can stand longer on them, and my knees aren't swollen and stiff after doing long term standing/walking stuff - took my nephew to Alcatraz and there was no pain after wards.
@ShadowStaarr: Totally on board with that.
@Crrash: I can see how your dad's tv habit helped!
I'm going to go into a corner and rock while sobbing now.
Jimmy Kimmel.. still unfunny.
@Crrash: Yeah, it is.
I loved the Fountain. Cried through it.
@Maria Jackson: I don't know why, I always have the most fun there!
I find it funny that half of these cosplays are from Dragon-Con. After spending so many years there you recognize the carpets!
@MoonCat82: Yes! This is who I was thinking.
@zombiefishgirl: LOL
The man is orange. ORANGE.
Emma Bull's 'Territory' as well as 'War for the Oaks'.
I like it.. a lot better than the star spangled swimsuit.
I picked up two pieces of her art work last year because they were so beautiful.
Anna - you rock. Enjoy your new adventure!