
I hate RTD. Really do.

@GodofMonkeys: I am overjoyed to know that bastard's not coming back.

Feminist Nurturer (RIP)

I liked these two episodes, myself, and I find 11 a lot more likable as a Doctor. I'm enjoying this season so much more.

@SoBlue: I can't stand the bedazzler thing. I mean, if I wanted to be a disco ball, I'll make a disco ball costume.

@laetitiae: Target's quality has really gone down.

I've been shopping a lot at Evan's UK.. it's trendy, it fits well and why waste the money on Old Navy when I know the fit is absolute crap?

I nominate 'Run away! Run Away!' as the new 'Get out of there!'.


@Rubbish_beard: exactly. Neither did I! I admit, I got spanked only when I really pushed the envelope or did something that hurt me or someone else.

I'm sorry, Tracie, this is not sass. It's rude behaviour that needs to be corrected. She's an entitled demanding little brat with no boundaries.

Growing up, I had a hard time finding a bra, and my sister had issues too.. hers were ordered from VS (34DDD), while I had to either stick with old granny bras (38DDD) and I hung onto bras way past their prime because I was looking for it's replacement and they either discontinued the style or revamped it to where it

Scott Baio is a blot on the rest of us Italians. Cazzo!

I don't have any sympathy for her at all. She had five kids before she had the last IVF for this massive birth and was on welfare and Medicaid here in California. That's 3- 5 grand for each IVF before this last one, and all the plastic surgery as she was living on disability for a back problem.

I know Jerry Brown, and he's going to laugh in their faces.

Scott Baio's a press hungry cazzo, looking for anything to keep him relevant and failing utterly.

@marywv8633: McGee's got no excuse for her part in this. She did it the most public way possible to humiliate Bullock as possible, and her apology is complete BS.