@The Fake Santa Claus: I love body art, am a complete fan(have to be due to being tattooed myself!) but I can't even appreciate the work because she makes me shudder.
@The Fake Santa Claus: I love body art, am a complete fan(have to be due to being tattooed myself!) but I can't even appreciate the work because she makes me shudder.
@Justine: thanks for the reassurance - am dealing with enough odd looks due to my tattoos, and had some smart ass ask if I was a fan of hers!
As a tattooed woman myself, please go away "Bombshell" McGee. You're making the rest of us look bad.. and personally, I think Tina Fey was right on the money with her comments about McGee.
My head hurts now. Make her stop.
@small-fox: I find Heidi to be a rude bitch with highly questionable taste. Just because you were a model doesn't make you an expert, and I've seen her in some crappy clothes.
Ah, Rush Week. I don't miss you at all.
Boy, sounds like some of the Southern Baptist girls I went to high school discovered that the internet isn't just for Rush porn, casual encounters and coveting Sarah's shoes.
My aunt has been providing healthcare and training to places like Haiti for nearly twenty years now. She and her colleagues were tasked over a decade ago to put together a program that provides basic supplies and services for disasters for the UN and WHO.
Ugh. Someone remind me again why is this woman famous and trying to hawk perfume?
@omnibus_spiritus: My sister has been buying them on eBay and it's been crazy - apparently they're worth money as collectors items, but we refuse to part with them.
John Carter of Mars! John Carter of Mars! THAt makes me all kinds of excited!
Hancock was good. I was surprised at how well thought out the story was and as a sleeper hit, it was a great find.
You know, I just watched Jurassic Park again for the first time in years, and being how old it is now in comparison to the new films coming out and relying completely on it (I'm still pissed at Lucas for screwing with Star Wars.) it's just sad how easily you can ruin a film with to much CGI.
@BestEuphemismEver: Not sure if a Jez commenter quoted that very poem or not. LOL.
@BestEuphemismEver: It does look 1992. Hell, I remember doing window displays for Macy's with Dockers in 1992, and it was a cool classic 30's golf theme.. not this "toss aside your manbag, and grab that lil' old lady on the corner and make sure she survives the killer cabs and crazy ass Critical Mass swishing by,…
@Awestruck: It's about the jeans. It's about how the jeans were part of history, that they were made for pioneers, for cowboys and the gold miners needing a pants that would be durable and strong while they were exploring and settling the West.
@Awestruck: Yeah. I wasproud of the "Go Forth" ads with Walt Whitman's poetry over it. That was brilliant.. this crap for Dockers? Retarded and not where they should go.