Only seven years? Bullshit.
Only seven years? Bullshit.
I used to know this Mexican woman (pretty fair-skinned and dark-haired) who was adamant that there were no Africans in Mexico. I mentally checked out whenever she went there.
Yes, exactly. For a moment I was trying to work out how she’d copied the first picture and then realised that nobody finds two identical ears of corn and that she’d even just stuck the other woman’s forehead on top of hers. And then the second picture where she has borrowed someone else’s top lip.
That is very true and great point about the gendered aspect of this!
Wow, that sounds like hell. White Brazilians are pretty awfully racist too.
I feel like we should just feel sorry for this person. Someone so out of touch needs to be pitied. 2015 was definitely the year of the dumb white bastard. Looks like 2016 will be no different.
Because she’s a huge attention whore, that wanted head pats for being so ‘edgy’ and ‘progressive’ with her ‘art’ and what a wonderful thing she is doing for these tribes. Excuse, I have to go throw up now.
The only thing worse than Australians, bedbugs and herpes are white South Africans.
wow, they even digitally modified her nose for each one. I mean, not only did she do Blackface, she cheated
I’m half white and I just can’t deal with white nonsense any longer. Last night I had the pleasure of hearing a room full of white Australians scream the N word because they were singing along to Kendrick. I had to sit down before I passed out from rolling my eyes so hard.
Preach. Was going to say the same thing.
Shout out to all my fellow Jezzies who read “inexpensive Yankee candles” and thought about how you only get Yankee candles when they're on the clearance endcap at TJ Maxx.
you are forgetting Megyn, in the style of she from FOX News.
I heard something on the radio, I think it was from a comedian, that makes me laaaaugh every time “It’s amazing how music can move you. For example, a Megan Trainor song came on the radio so I moved to a different coffee shop,”
I’m sure cocaine gets stuck in your awesomely waxed Van Dyck beard. Some artisan, locally-grown, organic, hydroponic peyote is more to your liking.
What the actual fuck is going on in these comments? Cocaine is awesome and cool now? Jesus Christ.…
Aww man it’s been years, years! and now reading this thread I can still taste the drip. Sigh #toooldforbumps