
So it’s PeakVisor that costs $800 and forces you to cart extra equipment. Hope your comment was sufficiently distracting from your miserable existence asshole.

The venn diagram of places this would be useful and places with cell service is two circles.

For additional context that study was specific to waymo and cruze, it mentions Tesla 0 times. Go ahead search the linked text.

For context there are no self driving cars in 2024, this car hit a police car with lights flashing at night, the perceived safety lulled its driver into a false sense of security where he was allowed to let the car drive without supervision. The driver is wrong but I doubt he hits the cop car if he didn’t have fsd

I had something like this happen to me on a remote USFS road near Glacier Peak, heard a low roar that sounded like a louder gravel and built to a painfully loud roar as two fighters, no clue what type other than loud, passed just over the treetops.

Haven’t left one up there yet

Despite what the headline says this isn’t at the border, it’s at a highway checkpoint. Checkpoints exist on every route you could take away from the southern border, typically on a deserted stretch of highway 50-99 miles from the border. All you do there is say yes to the citizen question and drive away, no ID

You might want to familiarize yourself with the UN definition so that you don’t say dumb shit in the future. I’ve included it below, they’re committing multiple forms of genocide, stop being an apologist.

He told elon musk to shut up, something that musk may not have experienced before. Look at how musk and spiro react after getting cut off, that weak bully was triggered and defensive. An angry musk will say more damaging stuff than musk repeating something he has already practiced. It let Elon know he’s no longer in

I’m not a lawyer but look at musk and his lawyers response to being interrupted and cut off. Idk if musk has been told to stop talking, in the past decade. It rattled him, he was thinking about how the rude lawyer cut off the richest genius alive during the rest of the questions, making it more likely he’d slip up in

This is the railroads fault, they make trains too big to fit into their rail yards then bitch, similar to your comment, about the lack of support for the problem they created and can solve tomorrow.

If this was actually a problem for the railroads they could stop making the trains too big to fit within locked rail yards. They have done the math and decided it’s better to make long trains and have shit stolen than make smaller trains. I’m not crying for the greedy railroad execs.

She’s editing her children to make them appear thinner, which is fucked on top of the impossible standard that these kids are already subjected to. She is presenting a truth that cannot be true, in photography and photojournalism this is a big deal.

This sounds like when Aaron said he was “immunized” and everyone interpreted that as having been vaccinated. He said that the events happened but also didn’t outright deny or refute any conspiracy in the post.

But why should we? If we are admitting that mars will require an enclosed artificial atmosphere, why not just build that on earth when necessary and not inject more carbon into the upper atmosphere, further destroying our home while chasing a worse version of total recall?

This is a stupid take, we need to stop fucking up this rock, but even if we don’t the worst climate in earth will be better than the best possible on mars. We haven’t sent a human further than the moon and you think we’re gonna colonize a goddamn planet with an extremely hostile environment in the next 50 years? Wanna

As a PT I respectfully disagree that this would be useful outside of specific neuro populations like TBI or stroke. There aren’t enough sensors for it to be as specific as necessary for hand therapy, there’s 27 joints in the hand and only 6 sensors I can see. In hand therapy exercises are often specific to a single

Regardless of speed she was in a crosswalk and the pig didn’t have his lights or siren flashing, she had the right of way. I’m also gonna call bullshit in the last paragraph, I worked in a high drug use area of Seattle, cops never showed up less than 10 minutes after rescue services. 

The Seattle Times original headline was young woman dies after being struck by police car in south lake union, minimizing the role of the officer diving the car in her death.

Fuck musk, but also fuck Isaacson for keeping this newsworthy information from the public so that he could profit off putting it in his book.